taehyung : not a competition

Start from the beginning

"HOW DO WE FLIP THIS OVER!" Lucas yelled looking at the other group who was already moving somewhere.

"yah! We need to squeeze closer, I'll move the mat, you guys need to go closer" Kai said.

I looked at the other team to see the girls literally being squeezed into one spot with the guys. Taehyung was moving the mat over so he stood at the corner. I wasn't worried about the girls being too touchy with him because its just a game and also, they know that Taehyung and I are together...Furthermore, we have all went out together before.

"I think we need to carry Y/N" Jaehyun said.

"Are you serious?" I said looking at the director worriedly.

He just nodded and gave a thumbs up, allowing us to do so.

"I can carry her!" Lucas said getting ready to pick me up like I was just a piece of paper.

Jungkook wanted to say something but before he could, I had already been lifted off the floor causing me to shriek in shock.

"YAH! Warn me next time!" I said laughing.

"Hurry hyung!" Jungkook said to Kai who was moving the mat.

We all moved to the other side of the mat. But before we all managed to turn the mat fully, the other group has already finished.

"DONE!" They exclaimed.

They all cheered and gave high fives to each other while the guys here looked defeated.

"You can put me down now" I said realising that Lucas was still carrying me.

He then blushed before putting me down.

"It's okay guys. It's just the first game" I said trying to cheer up the guys.

"Okay so the winner will be sleeping inside the warm cabins here, while the loser group will sleep inside these huge tents... don't worry, there are 2 mattresses in each tent... You can split however you want but the only thing is there is no heater"

"Wah! It's going to be cold tonight" Kai exclaimed.

"Would it be okay to exchange?" Taehyung suddenly asked looking at the director, who nodded.

We all turned to Taehyung who we thought has lost his mind. Who would want to sleep in the cold, in a tent?

"I'll exchange with Y/N, I'd feel bad since she's the only girl there, plus there will be Jungkookie" he said calmly.

"Wah... okay! So Y/N will get Taehyung's room!" the host said.

"Okay CUT, all of you can have a 15 minute break" the director behind the camera said.

I then made my way to Taehyung.

"Are you sure you want to exchange your room with me?" I ask.

"Is that even a question? Of course! I wouldn't want you to freeze at night PLUS in a tent with another guy? No way" he said pulling me closer by my waist.

"But you would be freezing at night"

"I can cuddle with Jungkook, right JK?" He said getting Jungkook's attention.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes smiling knowing that they would for sure cuddle the whole night knowing how clingy Taehyung gets.

"Also, do a better job at keeping the guys' hands off my girl" Taehyung said to Jungkook.

"Yah! I tried..." Jungkook said.

"Yaaah, it's just a game" I said trying to stop them from arguing.

"They can't touch you like that, especially that Lucas guy" Taehyung said then eyeing the guy who was talking to Kai.

"If it gets uncomfortable, you know I would speak up" I said trying to reassure Taehyung.

"Yes baby, it's not that I don't trust you, i just don't trust them" he said pecking my temple.

"Y/N, come join the pic" Jennie called as Lisa was holding the phone taking a selfie with the girls.

"Be right back!" I smiled to Tae and made my way to the girls.

For the rest of the day, we played more group games to collect points. Now that the sun has set, we were all gathered at the dining room where the food was already prepared for us. I sat in between Jennie and Jungkook while Taehyung was sitting opposite Jungkook. We decided it was best not to be too close as there were already fans who were shipping us before this.

After our dinner, they recorded some scenes of us getting ready for bed and then it was the end of the first day of recording. We all decided to gather around at the fire pit and have some drinks to get to know each other. Despite being in the same industry and attending the same award shows, we never got to know each other as our companies were always restricting us. Especially SM entertainment with their artists, it is probably to protect them well.

Taehyung was sitting on the couch that they have prepared for us with Jungkook sitting right beside him. He patted the empty seat on the other side of him as soon as he saw me. I was wearing his hoodie and some leggings as it was pretty chilly out. I sat beside him and cuddled against his side.

"Nice hoodie you got there" he said smirking knowing it was his.

"I know right, it's my boyfriend's" I played along.

Across us, was Lucas, Kai, Jennie and Sehun. Lucas was staring at the both of us. He probably knows now that we are dating. Taehyung and I were not fans of alcohol so instead we just watched them drink and chatted.

"How long have you guys been a thing?" Kai asked.

"Almost 2 years now" Taehyung replied pulling me close to him.

"Wow that's impressive... how did you guys get to go on for this long with all the spotlight?"Sehun asked.

"Our companies were fine with us dating but we had to be pretty careful. It's difficult at first but since now we got security for us to avoid sasaengs, it's hard to get caught" Taehyung explained.

Lucas just stared at us as Taehyung spoke. He got pretty quiet which was a rare sight since he had high energy throughout the whole day today , but it's probably because he has used all his energy up.

After we all chatted with each other, we decided to get some sleep since we had an early morning shoot tomorrow. Tae gave me a long warm hug before pecking my lips.

"I love you, goodnight baby" he said.

"I love you, sleep well" I replied as I left with the girls to go to the rooms.

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