Chapter 21

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The proceeding days weren't any better. I never saw her again nor got any message. Being an introvert, she barely participates in classes like recitation all that stuff. The others tried to look after me but I pushed them all of. I just ran out of fucks to give.

After a month of my misery, they dragged me out. They said we're going to a mall to have a meeting for our project. I've been absent for 3 days so, I had no idea what it was. I complained and told them we could just hold it in the condo but they wouldn't budge.

Haley and Ash are in the car with me, they're really guarding me. The others had gone ahead before us, I really didn't want to go but these two threatened that they will literally drag my ass. We walked through the mall and these two stayed on either of my side.

When we got there, I see that the gang have settled on round table outside. I didn't bother to look at what restaurant or fast food this is, my eyes are glued to the person sitting next to Emily. We sat down and they acknowledge us, she didn't even bother to give me a glance.

I stared at the ground while they talked and talk, I don't understand what they're saying. She looked so different; she has that same look she gave me from when we fought. Blank and cold, I can hear her talking but it just hurts.

"Annie are you okay?" Haley suddenly asked which made me look up, they're all staring at me. "Yeah, I'll just go to the bathroom" then I stood up "Do you want me to come with you?" I shook my head "No, it's fine"

I needed to leave and breathe for a moment; it feels so suffocating to be there. I quickly made my way to the nearest restroom, luckily there's only two people in there who soon left as I came. A bit odd but it's lunch time so everybody's probably busy eating.

I took off my mask and stared at myself at the mirror. I looked so pale and ugly, I got dark circles around my eyes; I've lost weight, I look like a fucking zombie. It's dreadful. I washed my face to calm myself down.

Suddenly there's an intense sharp pain in my head and my vision gets blurry. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It hurts, I hold to the sink for dear life. Oh, fuck me, there's no one here to help me and I can't really see or move.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms supporting me. "Hey, are you okay? What's going on?" I couldn't really talk as I'm close to losing consciousness so I just motioned to my bag. I have my meds in there as well as a water bottle, she helped me drink it and just held me.

After a few minutes, the meds finally took effect and I felt better. I just rested my head on her shoulder as she rubs my back. I'm gasping exhausted, my head still hurts but I don't feel like passing out anymore.

Those meds were prescribed to me by the doctors when I passed out again days ago. I hate the hospital, so I insisted on just staying home. I never liked that place, which is why I've never really been confined.

"Annie, are you feeling better now?" I hummed in response "Do you need anything else?" her voice is soft and I can feel her worry "I need you, you're all I need right now" I said wrapping my arms around her pulling her closer.

I miss her warmth, her scent everything about her. "I missed you baby. I really do" I heard her sigh "I'll take you to the hospital" I looked at her and she's dead serious. Before I could even protest, she spoke again "I won't take no, I'll carry you"

She put my meds back in my bag and gestures me to ride on her back "No I'll walk its fine" she was having none of it, so I wrapped my arms around her neck and she lifted my legs supporting it with her arms.

"You're very light, you haven't been eating" I just buried my face in her neck. It feels nice and comfortable. She carried me back to the table and asked Ash for my keys. They looked at us confused but didn't say a thing.

"I'll take her to the hospital" she says and then carried me to the parking lot. I've taught her how to drive a while ago, just giving her the basics and she's pretty good at it. She set me down and even put my seatbelt for me.

The nearest hospital is only 2km away so it really didn't take very long for us to get there. She carefully parked and turned off the engine, she's about to get out when I spoke "I don't like hospitals" she sighed "Neither do I, but you needed to be checked"

"No, you don't understand" she turned to face me "When I was a kid, I got sick and I was supposed to be confined at a hospital but then the doctor and his nurse wife held me hostage for money. They even used drugs on me to make my condition worse." I looked down "I've never been confined to a hospital again"

She held my hand and gave it a squeeze "I'll be there, I won't leave your side" she stared in my eyes "No last time you lied, you said you wouldn't leave but you're gone!" I whined and she looked away "This time I'll really be there. I'll be by your side and I won't leave you alone with any doctor or nurse."

She felt very sincere so I gave in, she held my hand as we walked in. After a while a doctor checked up on me, and truth to her words, she never left my side. Afterwards, she talked to the doctor out of earshot. Meanwhile I was just told to lay down and rest.

Minutes later she came back and I quickly sat up. "The doctor was heavily against about you going home" "No I-" she stops me "But I managed to convince him" I let out a sigh of relief. "You're anemic. I was also told that you're going through a lot of stress. Your body is in desperate need of rest and nutrition"

I just looked down, she sighed. "I already bought the medicine you need. I'll take you home, I've also called the others, they're probably back by now" I nodded as she assisted me again. The drive was quick and silent, I didn't want to say a thing as I might annoy her and she would leave.

When we got to the condo, I noticed that none of their cars are there yet and then I remembered hearing them talk about buying materials so that's probably what they're doing. They probably felt fine because I'm with Kate and they trust her.

Once we entered my condo, she directly took me to my room and instructed me to rest. "I will cook our lunch, just rest" she says although I fear that she would leave I just let it be and listened. After a while of laying down I felt sleepy so I closed my eyes.

She gently woke me up after about 30 minutes and gently assisted me to the kitchen; she cooked Sinigang for me. We ate in silence it was very delicious and my stomach is satisfied. After drinking my meds, we went back to my room and she set alarms for when I would take them.

An hour passed and she was preparing to leave, "Wait, don't leave" I held her arm, she just looked at me sadly and shakes her head. "Kate, baby please...let's talk this through. Let's fix this please let me fix this" I begged, grasping her arm.

She held my hand gently and removed it from her arm "I don't know Annie. Like I said maybe we're better off on our own" I quickly shook my head "No,no,no Baby I need you. Please" I can feel the tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

"I think we should take a break" she said looking away, she's about to cry too "No Kate please" I started crying holding on to her. "Annie, you and I both know that this is what we need" she said staring at me directly as she wiped my tears.

"No Kate all I need is you" I pleaded, she shook her head "Annie, please" I can tell she's hurting too. I started at her and her eyes are red from crying. I wiped her tears, I gave her one last peck and nodded.

I understand there's still a lot of things that I have to work on, I need to fix myself first.

Two days later, I called Marth she had been worried about me because I haven't been coming in. She called me a week before, checking up on me but I told her that I wanted to be left alone. I told her that I won't be seeing for a while as I'll be going back to Russia, my homeland and not America.

I've talked to my gran about this beforehand and he agreed, because my brother suggested that it would be best for me and that he would take over. A month later and we've graduated, I saw Kate and congratulated her. "See you" I said and then I left.

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