Chapter 7

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I contemplated whether I would reach out or not; Kate and have been walking around side by side as we stroll the mall. We had just finished out session and we decided to hang out for a bit. I've been trying to hold her hand for the past five minutes but I kept cowering, the sinking feeling of her not liking it kills me.

I decided to not just do it, I would rather not risk it. I started walking a little bit farther for her just to shake those thoughts of me but suddenly a warmth feeling enveloped my hand. I looked down and she's holding my hand, I looked back at her. She's looking at me... "Stay close, I don't want you going far from me"

The she smiled through her mask; I think I had just forgotten how to breathe. She's gently pulling me while I'm still processing what she had just said. We stopped "Annie are you okay?" she sounded pretty worried. I shook my thoughts and acted as if she had just not given me a heart attack.

"I'm okay, uhh so what kind of ice cream do you want?" I said trying to act cool but stammering with my words. "Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded, she still examined me "Oh! is it because I held your hand? Are you not comfortable with that? I'm sorry" she then started to let go but I tightened my grip.

"No, no I uh umm I like it" I shamefully admitted, this earned a smile from her "Oh well, that's what I suspected since you look like you wanted to hold mine earlier" then she winked. This girl is gonna put me in my death bed because of these heart attacks.

She chuckled and pulled me once again "I want DQ!" I regained my composure and walked properly alongside her. We went to the third floor and ordered some DQ, I got the same thing as her; a mango cheesecake blizzard. It's really good, and she seems very happy even jumping around. We found a nice spot and decided to eat there.

It feels surreal, because right now I can see her face. It's really her, my dream girl. She noticed me staring at her and got embarrassed, I chuckled "You're so cute Kate" she paused and then gave me the look, an enticing look "No Annie it's you, actually no. You're ethereal" then she smirked and winked at me.

Holy shit! Triple bull's eye. She continued eating her ice cream as if she didn't just kill me. She looked at me once again and laughed "cute, eat your ice cream Annie" I smiled "Sure, baby"

I can't see it very well but I'm sure as hell she blushed. She proceeded to scoop her ice cream and put it in front of my mouth, gesturing me to eat it. So, I did; she giggled "Eat lots, my love"

WTF! My heart.

After finishing our ice creams, we decided to continue walking around. She's still holding my hand, I wanted if she can feel my racing pulse. "Hmm, Annie so tell me, is there something you want to do?" she asked as she played with my fingers.

Reluctantly I answered "I...I've always wanted to try croquet" I was hesitant in telling her this because, I've went on dates with a couple of guys before and they asked the same things. But when I told them they made fun of it and asked if I was a grandma or something.

Since then I began being afraid of sharing something I like to people, I braced myself "Oh.. uhhh" here it comes, she may not make fun of me but I know she's turned off. "Come on, I think they sell some materials in National Books Store"

I was stunned "Huh?" she gently pulled me but I didn't budge "Hmm? You said you wanted to try it right? Let's go buy some materials and then we can try it together" she smiled, "Don't you think that you know it's weird?"

She shook her head "Nope, besides I want to try it too. I know how to knit but not croquet" I blinked a couple of times taking in what she said "Oh" was all I could say. She furrowed her brows "Why Annie? Did people make fun of you for that?" I slowly nodded.

"What the heck, what's wrong with them?!" she seems genuinely mad, then she lifted my hand that she's holding "You don't have to worry about that with me Annie, I'll support you in anything you do. Your happiness is what matters to me" then she pulled down her mask and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

I've never felt so happy and safe my entire life. We made our way to NBS and I can't help but stare at this girl. All my life I've always had to put on a strong façade but since I met her, actually met her; I've never had to do that. I felt more at ease and myself; I felt more free because of her.

We reached the store and she helped me pick my yarns and needles, we bought everything we needed and she seems really excited. I feel so special, she said she's looking forward to make things with me and that we could learned together. She promised she'll make me a cute little octopus that she kept seeing on tiktok, she told me I could use it as a key chain something.

I can't help myself but pull her into a hug, she hugged me back almost immediately. She smells so good, it feels amazing having her here, feeling her warmth against mine. "Thank you, Kate" she tightened the hug. "Thank you too"

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