Chapter 5

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"What's taking her so long?" I asked after a while, "Oh shit sorry, she's on the waiting room I didn't notice" Emily kinda chuckled. Soon enough that girl entered and a black tile with a name flashed on the screen "Kate".

That made me sit up "Kate?" "Hey turn your camera on" Kylee said. "Hello, oh uh I can't" that voice is very similar I could be wrong but "Oh Annie hello" it's her. "Kate?" "Yeah?" she chuckled.

"Ey turn your camera on" Kyler reminded. "Oh, I can't. Because this laptop...well actually netbook, has a crappy design where the camera is at the bottom left instead of the middle top. So, when I open my camera, the angle is weird and you would only be able to see me if I tilt my screen back, but if I do that, I would have a hard time seeing the screen. So sorry I can't"

"That's annoying" Caleb commented "Yeah, I need a new laptop" "Was it old? Oh, by the way I'm Haley" "Oh hi, no not really, I got this less than a year ago, but yeah, it's already acting up. I can't really blame it though because, it's overworked like me."

"So, it's not a good laptop?" Kylee raising a brow "Well it's pretty decent but yeah, a couple months after I got it it's already making some noises and the storage is only 128gb" "Then why did you get it, in the first place?" Kyler asked, these two are always up to date with their gadgets.

"Well, I didn't really, my father did. My old laptop, I've had it for more than 4 years and it's already slow also the fact that zoom isn't compatible with that one, where my screen would just black out while on call. So yeah, compared to other laptops this is pretty cheap around 7-15 thousand I guess; around 140-300 dollars. I think he just ordered this online and took it here"

"If you don't mind me asking, if you're gonna get a laptop why didn't you get good one?" Emily nicely spoke while Ashton backed it up "Yeah, if you're gonna invest on it why buy a cheap sucky laptop?"

"Cause I'm poor? I can't afford it, I'm lucky to even have one" silence ensues. No one knows what to say so I just diverted the topic "This sucks I want to see what you look like" I pouted even though it's covered by a mask, I'm glad because I don't really make these expressions. "I didn't know we're attending the same school let alone be classmates" I added

"Well, that says something" she chuckled "What?" "3 things" I leaned in "and what are those?" I began rethinking what I had said, what did she got from that? "Well, I could be wrong but...First, you didn't check my profile, you're not on facebook often and you're not friends with many of our classmates" I'm guilty, all of those three were right but how? "How would you know?" I tried not to give it away, the others seem interested as well.

"You said, you wanted to see what I look like and then you didn't know we're going to be in the same school, so I just deduced from that. To be honest, I did check your profile because I wanted to see you but you don't have any pictures and in your profile picture it's not clearly seen" "I still don't get it, your profile picture is an anime? Or a digital drawing how would I know what you look like?"

"It's the latter but yeah I don't have any pictures in this account, but if you had checked it, the first thing you'll see is that I go to this school, since that's the only public info. I know you're not in facebook a lot because the moment you input RS in your profile you'll get a lot of friend suggestion, that's the part we're I could be wrong because you may not just want to add them, but I know our classmates will add you. However, you are not friends with many of them because if you are you would've seen my face"

"What? How?" she chuckled "Well if you're friends with them, you'll be suggested their mutuals and there's a high chance that my other account will be suggested, because that account only have a few friends mostly from RS and it has my face on it and my real name as well" that makes sense because the account she's using right now has the name Kate Fretzner. "Okay you got me, but hold on I'll add them quickly so I could see it" she laughed, that's cute.

"I'll add you too Kate, I'm also curious what you look like so accept me, alright?" Ruby finally spoke and I really didn't like her tone.

"I have a question" Ashton suddenly said "You said your laptop is acting up because of the load work, how bad is it?" "Oh, it's terrible! Especially in the first weeks, I didn't have any rest. From Monday to Sunday, I'm working 15-16 hours straight and I'm always up pass midnight. So, yah I really couldn't blame my laptop, because it almost hasn't been shut down"

"What the heck that's too much" Haley gasped "Maybe you're a slow worker" Kyler retorted. "Actually no, I don't procrastinate and I'm a fast worker the workload is just too much. I'm always passing before the due time because they're filing up but still, I spent hours working. I remember being given about 50 activities in the first two weeks, just in one subject. So yeah"

"What the fuck?" Caleb giving an 'are you serious look?' "yeah, but I don't know I hope we have less work now, and I for sure hope we get nice teachers because there's a few I never want to meet again" I'm sure we're all rethinking our decision of entering this school.

Notifications showed on my phone, our classmates accepted my friend request. I immediately check the friend suggestions; I still couldn't find it. "Oh! Kate our classmates accepted my request, I found your account. You're pretty cute are you single? Oh, wait is that the lesbian flag in your cover photo?" wtf "Yeah and yeah it is" I scoffed "What the heck! That's unfair! I still couldn't find it"

"I'm home alone right now, I guess a few seconds wouldn't hurt" huh? Soon enough another black tile appeared on the screen with Kate on it. She opened the cam, "I'll just use my phone for a bit, so uhh Hi?" she smiled and waved a bit. "pretty" "oh uh thank you Haley, you're very pretty too"

"Hey, you said, you're single right?" Ruby started flirting. "Well, yeah. Anyway, I'll be turning this off now" she giggled. This shook me of my trance "No wait!" "huh?" "Kate look" I then took off my mask showing my face to her, she looks tunned. "Do I look like her? Because you do" she chuckled out of shock "what?" she covered her mouth.

This is crazy she's my dream girl, she looks exactly like her. "You are her" she said, I smiled "you too" she smiled as "well I'll turn this off now" I just nodded. After that, she diverted the topic and we started discussing the project. We decided on just doing a collaborative collage film and Kate volunteered to edit it.

We ended the meeting at about almost 10, we wrapped and just talked. We just planned to film a 10-20 second film of us doing or showcasing a part of ourselves; I still don't know what I got to do. Maybe I'll just film myself practicing since I do martial arts, I think that would work and maybe I could impress Kate as well.

I washed up, then I checked my phone and saw that Kate had added me from her other account I immediately confirmed it and message her on her main account. I asked her what she's doing and she said she's just watching some videos but she's about to sleep. So I texted her goodnight and I went to my bed; I watched some Netflix shows while eating the snacks I bought and then headed to sleep.

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