Chapter 12

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"Ahh baby don't move too much" she whined again as her screen flashed red 'Miss' it says. She's so cute when she's annoyed, the way she pouts and scrunches up her nose just so adorable. I just can't help but mess with her, but I know she's already losing patience so I have to stop.

We are at my condo right now and she's gonna be staying the night. It's our second monthsarry, and we just decided to have a date here. We cooked lots of foods and had a movie marathon.

It's a little bit past 10pm right now and we are just cuddling on the bed; I've been annoying Kate since earlier. She currently playing a game right now, it's called SSJYP. It's a rhythmic game from what I can tell, apparently this game is connected to her favorite K-pop groups.

This game is very similar to guitar hero but in my opinion better and much harder. I was told that missions reset everyday at 11 pm and rankings reset every week. I had to stop messing with her because it's almost 11 and I know she would hate me if she fails on the mission.

She finished the song and was still pouting. I'm smiled at her guilty; "Finishing the missions would've only taken less than 15 minutes, but because you kept bothering me it took 50 minutes" I nuzzled on her neck and whispered "Sorry" she sighed "now my fingers hurt"

She moved and faced me; I think an idea had crossed her mind. "Play it" I was confused at to why she's giving me her phone, "Go play" she had picked a song for me already. "Really?" she just nodded I read the title of the song Miroh and it's on hard move too. Shit.

"If you can finish it regardless of stars, I'll give you a reward" deal. I played and at first it was slow, for a second, I had thought that I had it in the bag. But fuck not even 5 seconds later the tiles kept coming, Miss one after the other. I didn't even last 20 seconds, meanwhile my girlfriend is just very entertained by this.

I hit try again, I played and the same thing happened after the third try my fingers and arms are already sore and hurting. Kate stopped me and said that it's enough, I pouted. I understand now and I regret messing with her. She still gave me a peck though so it was all worth it.

She had put her phone way after that and we just stayed in our position. She's laying on my arm and I'm stroking her hair. I suddenly remembered something, the pictures. I had wanted to do a collage earlier to surprise her but I can't find the pictures.

"Hey baby, do you have the pictures we took from when we went to Disney?" I asked because for the life of me I can't find them on my phone. She looked at me confused "What?"

"The pictures, do you have them?" I repeated "What picture?" her brows had crossed "Baby, from when we went to Disney? I can't find them on my phone" she stared at me for a hot minute. "Annie we never went to Disney" she said slowly.

It was my turn to be confused "Yes, we did" why is denying it. "No, we did not" she insisted. "Yes, we did! On our monthsarry" it frustrates me how she's acting like she doesn't know about it.

She looked at me as if I had just told the worst joke to ever been spoken. "Annie, we never left the country; flights are banned and heck I don't even have a passport" she looked at me worried "What?"

"No, I know for a fact that we were there" I was waiting for her to say that she's joking but she didn't "I mean you could go ahead and check your phone; check the dates, we have pictures there from when we went on a date that day"

Skeptical and confused I stood up and scrolled through my phone for a minute and she was right, we have pictures there from when I gave her the album and us on the mall "but Disney" I uttered.

"My love come here" she gestures and I did she hugged me caressing my hair "Are you okay?" she sounded really worried. "Yeah" I said exhausted. "Are you sure?" my mind is hurting I'm so confused.

"Yeah, I think it was just daydream" she sighed "Do you still daydream a lot" I nodded. "Do you?" she shook her head "I rarely have them anymore, maybe because I'm already living my dream" then she gave a reassuring smile before kissing the top of my head.

"So, let's go to sleep?" I nodded and we have settled. It wasn't long before she fell asleep but I'm still awake, wide awake. Wondering, it huts knowing that those pictures never existed. It seemed so real but then again so does any other of my daydreams.

I don't know how long I spent just thinking but I just fell asleep in the middle of it.

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