"What?" Harry immediately narrows his eyes and asks suspiciously.

"What, what?" I say with a stoic face, reaching out to my mobile.

"You have that mischievous glint in your eyes, Lou. What the devil is cooking in that mind?"

"Oh, nothing." I say and shift positions so that I am now cuddled into Harry and the phone screen is visible to both of us. "Just gonna wish our band-mates a good morning."

"Louis, no. They're going to be asleep. It's literally 7 in the morning, babe."

"You woke me up, didn't you?"

"You're such a troublemaker."

"You know it, baby."

I look at him from the screen to see him rolling his eyes and I laugh even more. I let the face-time call ring on. As expected, they don't pick up right away, so I keep calling. Like Hazza said, it's only 7 in the morning, I have all the time in the world and I am going to use it in a good way.

In the best way, actually.

Harry laughs as I initiate a face time call for the third time and kisses my hair before murmuring quietly.

"They're going to curse you to death."

"Eh, who cares?"

"I do." He says and rolls his eyes again. "I do, because I said 'I do' almost seven and a half years ago."

The face-time call rings for a final few times and I look back at him.

"My god, they're worse in the morning."

"What?" he frowns and I turn back to the phone to initiate yet another face-time call.

"Your attempts at humour." I say and he pouts, but soon gives up and laughs anyways. He knows I find his bad jokes funny even though I never say it to his face. It's cute how he always cracks these dad jokes. Quite adorable, actually.

I hear the phone ping and Zayn's face shows up on the screen, and so does Liam's and Niall's, all squinting their eyes at the phone and rubbing their eyes to rid them of sleep.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Is there a zombie apocalypse or some shit?" Zayn says groggily, his accent even thicker in the morning.

"Nope. Just missing you guys." I say and hold in laughter.

"You fucker, can't you miss me at a more reasonable hour? Fucking asshole, let me sleep, bro."

Harry and I laugh at his anger, knowing that it's exactly what we expected him to say.

"What are you doing up so early in the morning, anyways?!" Liam says and I immediately point an accusing finger at Harry.

"This man couldn't sleep and so, he wouldn't let me sleep either." I say, rolling my eyes and he just frowns at me.

"I don't get you all and your need to sleep in until late. I mean look at that view!" he says, snatching the phone from me and flipping the camera to show them the serene view outside our huge floor-to-ceiling glass window.

"Yeah, that's an amazing view." I say, biting my lip and looking at Harry, which he obviously understands and so does Nialler, even though the camera is not towards my face right now.

"Tommo, it's too early and I am too hungry to take your cheesy shit right now. Stop it, my single ass can't take it."

He murmurs and starts walking, probably to the kitchen, and we all laugh, even Zayn does, despite his morning grogginess, but Harry being the angel he is, goes on to console Niall.

"Aww, don't worry Niall, you'll find your perfect person soon."

"I already did." He says, his face serious and void of a hint of a joke. My mind immediately dashes around to think of a context in which he may be talking, but the first thing that comes to mind is his ex-girlfriend and from the look on Liam, Zayn and Harry, that's what they are thinking as well.

"What are you saying?"

Nialler stops walking so that the camera is now stable in his hand and we can see him shrugging.

"I mean I already found my perfect person. There, look."

He flips his camera to show us his bowl of cereal and all of us roll our eyes and groan in sync. He laughs, flipping the camera back to him, and I see the hint of a sad smile on his face.

I know he's hiding pain underneath that charming smile, and I pray to God that he finds what he deserves soon, but moreover, that no matter what happens to love in our lives, we never lose this friendship.

What we have here is more important than any love story in the world, and it will always be. We've always been one team and I'm pretty sure we always will be.




~ Love, T.

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