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"What do you think Harry? Is this the one?" I hear Vanessa ask from behind me and I assess myself as well as my outfit in the mirror one final time before nodding in approval.

"Phoebe liked this one, yes?" I ask as I turn towards Vanessa and she simply nods with a smile. "Alright, then let's finalize this."

Changing out of the outfit, I settle down on the couch and take my script for the next shoot out of my bag. As I flick my eyes through the whole thing, a second part of my mind goes to all that has happened this year. The world saw a very difficult time and during the first few months, as much as I was glad to get time free with Lou, I was really bummed out about the whole virus situation. I just couldn't get the fact that millions and millions of people were struggling to make ends meet while I sat at home and chilled with my husband.

It felt unfair. It felt wrong.

Even though Louis and the lads did their best to cheer me up as the months went by and I tried to put my conscious to ease by donating money anonymously to various charities and NGOs, it was still a really difficult year for the fans and even though I was busy enough with the DWD shoot, that's when I decided that I was going to try my best to bring a smile to their face as the year came to an end by releasing a music video for 'Treat People With Kindness.'

As my mind drifts to all the dance moves I've spent days and days rehearsing, I smile at the thought of just how shocked the fans are going to be. I never make it obvious, but I am always keeping track of every single that goes on in the fandom and after about 10 years together, I like to think that I can pretty much gauge what their reactions to my actions will be.

"Earth to Harry!" I hear a voice say and look around the room to find Phoebe's head peeking through the door, and I smile sheepishly.

"Oh, sorry Pheebs. Please come in. What's up?"

"We're getting ready for the dance sequence."

"Alright, that's great! I'll be right out, thank you Pheebs."

As I keep my script back in the bag, I start to wonder when I'll be able to go through it because the shoot is early tomorrow morning and I think I may have to pull an all-nighter. But, my thoughts are cut short as I hear my phone ringing and I see Liam's name on the screen.

"Hey, Li! How are you, mate?" I say cheerfully as soon as I hit accept because I haven't talked to him in quite a while.

"Hey, Haz." He says and his tone immediately tells me something is wrong.

"What's wrong, Liam?"

"I- I don't think I can do this anymore." My heart clenches with anger as my mind goes back to all the conversations I had with him about his management giving him a tough time and my hand grips the phone in a vice-like grip. "I'm tired of lying."

"Liam, can you please tell me what the matter is? Maybe talking will make you feel better."

"I- I don't know if I can talk about it right now." He says in a whisper and I feel tears forming in my eyes out of the anger that's coursing through my veins right now. He doesn't deserve this. Liam doesn't deserve to be treated like this. He has always been under-estimated and that was painful yet somewhat acceptable because Liam didn't seem to mind the lack of attention since he claimed that this way, only those fans who truly loved him were here for him instead of people faking their love for him just because he was in a band with us.

But what Liam didn't deserve was being toyed with like this just for some stupid clout or shit like that.

"H-H-Harry? Do you think I-I could fly in to yours for a few days? As long as it isn't revealed to the public, I don't think the management will mind."

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