Chapter 15- Deal

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Waking up I look around the room before grabbing my phone off the nightstand and checking the time. The clock shows that it is only 8:35 in the morning. The only people that I know that would be up at this time is father and Alexander.

Throwing off the covers I walk into the bathroom. Going to the closet once I'm done I decide on jeans and a oversized sweatshirt, before walking downstaris. Walking into the kitchen I notice the maids are preparing breakfast for everyone. Putting my hair up, I grab some plates before setting the table for them. It was obvious that they were a little overwhelmed, but who wouldn't be when there is over ten more people then normal that they have to make breakfast for.

Going back into the kitchen and grabbing the cups and silverware after putting all the platesd down. Entering again I help grab some of the bowls that contain the food before setting them down on the table, as Alessio, Angelo and Blake all walk into the dining room. Behind them Adrian and Irina walk in and sit down. Irina smiles at me saying a quiet goodmorning while the others just ignore me talking about some video game.

The rest of the people walk into the dining room and sit down, as I go to grab the rest of the food.

"Thank you so much belle fille, it is so wonderful to see you again. Everyone here has missed you greatly." Angela the head maid smiles at me before ushering me out of the kitchen knowing that the boys will eat all of the food quickly.

Sitting down in my seat I notice that Angelo isn't in his seat, looking around I don't see him in here at all, turning to Alessio, " Where is Angelo, he was in here a few moments ago?"

He puts another spoonful of eggs on his plate and without facing me, " He went to the bathroom, he should be back in a minute."

Accepting that as an answer I grab food and put a bunch on my plate. I learned the hard way to take more than I think I will eat because if I want more, there most likely won't be any left. These boys are like garbage disposals, they will eat anything.

Angelo walks back in and sits down avoiding eye contact with anyone. He quietly eats his food and when someone asks him a question he mumbles out a short reply. I don't kno0w what happened but I'm going to try and figure it out.

After breakfast I try to help cleanup, only proving futile when I'm told that as a guest I shouldn't have to clean. Even though I basically used to live here but none of the miads will here it. Everytime I picked up a dish, it was taken from my hands and I wash pushed towards the door.

Finally giving up I walk back to my room. Opening up my computer and starting on emails for the day. Even when away work never stops.

Glancing at the clock I notice that over four hours have passed. Turning off the computer and putting it away before walking back downstairs, looking around the house there is no one anywhere. I've checked the living room, dining room, and kitchen.

Hearing comotion in Louis' office, I turn to walk towards there. Having a feeling that if I were to knock they would come up with an excuse, I turn the doorknob and just walk in.

"What the hell do you mean they have sent pictures of her, no one even knows about her yet?" Angelo throws his arms in the air while the rest of my family go pale and the rest of them just look nervous.

"Who don't they know about Angelo? And who is they?" Sitting down in one of the chairs, I face my brother who looks like he just saw the Grim Reaper.

"Um, some knew TV show that I've been watching, there is suppose to be a new character coming out." He avoids eye contact with me.

"Really, what is the show called? Maybe I have watched it." It dosen't seem like his face could go any paler but he proves me wrong, when it goes multiple shades lighter.

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