Chapter 11 - Oreos

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Hearing yelling downstairs is what origianally woke me up but hearing the fact were going to France is what truly made me snap out of my tired state. Throwing off the blankets and checking my phone I realized I slept about two hours. Walking downstairs the yelling gets louder, unfortunately I couldn't make out who was who or what they were saying. Opening the living room doors the yelling stops and everyone turns to look at me.

"Look who's awake," Blake sneers while looking in my direction. Rolling my eyes I take a seat next to Angelo on the couch.

" What is all the yelling about?" I ask no one in particular looking around. Everyone avoids my gaze looking either at the floor or around.

Finally Alessandro looks up at me rubbing his temples, " We have to go to France, some of our family friends are in trouble and need our help."

"Okay, when do we leave?"

" Tomorrow, so go pack your bags for a week. We need to leave early in the morning," All the boys get up at our fathers words and start going up the stairs. Following their lead I get up and return to my room.

Grabbing my suitcase and clothes I start packing my bag. Ringing Louis to ask him why he didn't tell me that they were in danger knowing I would help. Throwing down my phone after he dosen't answer, I go into the bathroom and grab all of my toiletried excluding my toothbrush and toothpaste since I still need those for tonight and tomorrow morning. Once my bags are packed I set them down by the door and pick out my outfit for tomorrow.
( Louis is the French Mafia leader incase you forgot. Also sorry for the cringey authors note in the middle)

Not knowing what kind of work or meetings we'll be doing I decided on something cute yet appropriate for buisness. Grabbing the cropped blue bkazer and matching pants and belt with a lace bodysuit I set those out choosing matching pumps. As well as gold jewlery to set the look.

Going back downstairs I grabbed a few snacks and drinks and take them back to my room. Setting them on my bed I turn on the tv deciding to watch a movie. Before I can choose what to watch there is a knock on my door. Opening it up Angelo, Mateo, and Marco all come in seeing the snacks on my bed and the movie they all jump onto the bed grabbing the snacks.

" Umm come in I guess." Looking back and forth from the door to the giant snack stealing monster who currently occupy all of the space on my bed. I walk over and stand infront of them with my hands on my hips. Angelo grabs the remote and decides on some random movie.

" Dude pass me the chips. " I look at Marco perplexed as he sits there and eats all of my chips. Jumping on him I grab the chips and run to the other side of the room. You would have thought I just kicked his puppy with the face he was making. He looked down at his hands that were still in the shape as if he would have the bags still in his hands and then to me where I was standing eating my chips. Jumping up from the side of the bed and running at me I scream and run to the other side of the bed where the other boys are still laying, laughing at us. Running back at me I jump up on the bed standing on the other boys and grabbing their food. Which again the stole from me.

A chorus of "heys" ring out before I run towards the door, throwing it open I run towards Blakes room knowing he left a while ago and the rest of the boys wouldn't dare to enter his room. Yet I don't care. Slamming open his door I gently set my food on the ground before quickly turing around and closing his door. Not forgetting to lock it this time. It honestly sounds like a stamede of elephants is running through the house with how loud those doofeses where running. Hearing them all stop outside of the door I block my food just incase one of them decides to try their luck at coming in here.

" Rory come on now, it's not nice to steal all of the food. Sharing is caring." Sharing is caring my ass, this is my food. I scoff at Mateos ridiculous idea of me sharing. Not happening. Nope. Nada.

" I don't know who told you that but it's not happening. I think I will stay right here until all this food is in my belly." I smile while mischeviously rubbing my hands together staring at the food.

While in my creepily staring of the food I failed to notice the door opening and the dead silence. Turning around I come face to face with Blake.

"Why the hell are you in my room?" He yells angrily at me. Whoops.

Sitting my juicy ass down I open the oreos taking big bite and staring right at the other boys who look awestruck that I'm not ackowledging Blakes presence. Now he may hate me but I know if I leave this room it's game over for my food. That simply cannot happen. Ever.

" Well these oompa loompas tried to take me food and we simple cannot have that happen. So knowing they won't come into the lions den aka your room I decided untill all of this delicious food," pointing to my pile and looking back at him " is in my belly I will stay in here. No matter what." He huffs looking at the other three who slowly raise their hands up and back away in surrender turning and running away. Looking back at me he rolls his eyes at throws his bag onto a chair.

" What's in the bag?" I question while eating another oreo.

" Nothing you need to know about. " Shrugging my shoulder I hold up an oreo towards him. He meerly glances at it, " what are you doing? "

"You look like you need an oreo," rubbing his temples he walks towards his closet, " okay maybe you need a snickers instead." I mumble under my breath.

He comes back out holding clothes, " I'm going to take a shower, don't touch anything." Giving him a salute he walks into the bathroom. Once I hear the water running I jump up and walk to the chair. Opeing the bag from earlier I find it filled with money and a mask. I mean I knew he was a streetracer but I didn't expect him to go while everyone was awake. Unless they all know about what he does.

Dang does this boy take long showers, I've ate almost all my food. Saving a few cookies for him I set them on his nightstand and open the door. Walking out and going back to my room I see all the boys passed out on my bed with the food I didn't take. But they aren't just laying there, they're all cuddling. Laughing I take a few pictures before turning off the light and gently closing the door.

Going to the kitchen I make a sandwhich considering the fact we never had dinner with the whole were going to France ordeal. Turning around to leave I find Alessandro and Alexander walking in.

" Make sure you get some sleep princess, we have to leave early." Nodding in return to Alessandro I tell them both goodnight before going back to my room.

After I brush my teeth and use the restroom I contemplate just taking one of their beds in return. Deciding not to I wedge myself in the middle of all three hearing all of them. Hearing them all say either goodnigh sissy, princess, or bambina I fall asleep.

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