Chapter 2- Theres a baby at the door

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Antonio knocked on the door at the Ferrari mansion with a hoodie and a mask on to keep who he was a secret. He places the baby carrier down on the front poorch and hides in the bushes to make sure that his nephew will be taken inside. Heidi the main maid opens the door and looks around not seeing anyone she begins to close the door before Angelo makes a noise startling her. She looks down to see a baby boy who looks identical to all the other boys inside.

She picks up the carrier and walks in placing him on the couch. Unbuckiling him from the seat she picks him up as he coos at her.

Antonio knowing that he will be in good hands quickly leaves without alerting the guards.

Heidi notices a note sticking out of the bag that was left with him. She reads the first part of it realizing that it is for her boss Alessandro and immeadietely calls him as he is still away for business.

"Hello, Heidi is everything okay? You don't really just call. Did something happen with Maria or the boys? Are they okay?" He frantically ask making Heidi look down at the little baby in her arms.

"Um no everything isn't okay, Maria has been gone for about two days now. She told Alexander to watch over the boys. Also there was a newborn left at the door who looks like all of you, as well as a note adressed to you from Maria." Heidi has no idea what to do, obviously not about Angelo she knows how to raise a baby but what to do with the fact Maria is missing as well as the other baby.

"WHAT! What do you mean Maria is missing. And a baby, you don't think that she gave birth right? Wait but she was preganant with twins. You know what I'll be home by tonight, I'm packing as we speak. Can you just take care of the kids until tonight please and then I hopefull will figure out what the hell is going on?" Alessandro was frantically throwing things in his suitcase as he spoke knowing he needed to be there for his family.

"Of course, you know I love the kids. I shall let them all know that you'll be home tonight" she was slowly rocking Angelo watching him fall asleep in her arms, "I'm not sure about the other child as their was only one at the door with the name" she peers at the birth certificate "Angelo Giovanni Ferrari, what an adorable name."

Alessandro sighs running his hand down his face. Something he did when stressed or angry. He feared what had happened to his wife and daughter if they weren't there.

"Okay I'll look into it. Thank you Heidi for everything, I don't know what I would be able to do if it weren't for you."

" Of course you know I would do anything for your family" She smiles even though he can't see it.

" Goodbye Heidi I have to go now the car is here. I should be home in a few hours."

" Goodbye have a safe flight" With those departing words she hangs up not letting him even say thank you.

She looks down at the sleeping child in her arms and smiles. She walks upstairs into what was suppose to be his and his sisters room and places him in his crib. As she turns around and sees the opposite side where the princess was suppose to be she sighs silently asking herself where the baby girl has gone.

She goes back downstairs and prepares lunch, for the boys calling them down when it was ready. None of the Ferrari brothers new that their baby brother was in his bed sleeping or that their mother and sister were gone. For who knows how long, it could be a day or it could be fifteen years. Only time will tell.

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