Chapter 7 - Family Dinner

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About an hour and a half passes before I hear a knock on the door. I shout for the person to come in as I finish hanging up my clothes.

"Aurora, dinner is ready." Angelo shouts before peaking his head around the closet door with his hands covering his eyes.,

I look at him confused as he peaks through his fingers and takes a sigh of relief.m

I'm pretty sure he notices my confused stare because he chuckles, " Just making sure you weren't naked. " As he shudders at the thought. I laugh quietly to myself.

He turns around and walks out of the closet with me following. You could hear chatter as you stepped down from the stairs. I follwed Angelo until we reached the dining room. I put on my emotionless mask and took a deep breath. As we opened the doors all chatter ceased. Everyone stared at me as I took my seat.

This was seriously getting awkard with all of their staring. The only ones who weren't was Angelo and our father as they were to busy putting food on their plates. Angelo finally looks up after putting what looks like enough food to feed half the country on his plate. I give him a 'what the hell is going on' look before he clears his throat causing everyone to switch their attention to him.

" Why don't we eat and everyone stop staring at her? " I drop the mask for a second to send Angelo a small smile as a thanks.

All the boys started grabbing their food from the plates the maids placed in the middle so we could help ourselves. I have no idea how they are eating that much food. Don't get me wrong I love food, maybe even to much most days but the food on their plates looked like it was about to spill of there was so much on there. Everyone looks at Alessio when his actually does topple over. His cheeks go slighlty red when everyone laughs. I stiflle a chuckle.

" Aurora when you're done eating would you mind coming to my office for a few moments? " Father asks, I nod in reply.

He picks up his plate to take to the kitchen for the maids to clean, before leaving to what I'm guessing is his office. I finsh a few moments later as I take my plate to the kitchen, rinse it off and place it in the dishwasher.

" Oh sweetie, you don't need to do that, we can do it. " I look over to see an older woman carrying a few other dishes.

" It's alright, I understand it's your job but there my dishes and my mother taught me to always pick up after myself. " I grab a few dishes from her hands before she drops one.

" Well thank you honey. I'm Heidi the main maid in the house. " We set the dishes down on the counter. Once she sets them down she sticks her hand out for me to shake.

" It's nice to meet you, I'm Aurora. I apologise but I should probably get going, I was called into Alessandros office. " She gives me a sad smile when I don't call Alessandro my father.

" Of course don't want to keep him waiting. It was a pleasure to formally meet you sweetie. If you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask. " I give her a smile and a small thank you before leaving at going to his office. I saw it earlier when Angelo was walking me to my room.

I knock and hear a come in. As I open the door Alessandro turns around from pouring himself a glass of whiskey. What I would give to have a glass as well. However I know that I can't ask him for one he would probably flip out.

" Have a seat bambina, I just wanna go over some rules and whatnot. " I sit down in the leather chair infront of his desk as he rounds it and sits in his chair. I really hope that he dosen't expect me to follow any outrageous rules.

" So for rules if your anything like your brothers or any other teen your not gonna follow any rules I give you so I'm only gonna give you a few that I hope we can meet in the middle for. Your allowed to wear what you would like just make sure it covers all the important things, you don't have a curfew I just ask that you tell someone when your going out and where as well as when you think you'll be back. Next for school try your best to get good grades and stay out of trouble, if you ever need help let me know and we'll get you help. Don't go in the basement, it's where we do our business from home and I don't want anything to get ruined.  Your allowed to drink if we are around but no smoking, its bad for you. And last but not least absolouteley no boyfriends. Guy friends are alright but no kissing or anything like that. " His facial expressions during this were everywhere, they went from concerened to serious to angry to disgusted and horrified.

Totally wasn't expecting that for rules, I genuinally though that there was gonna be a lot more and they were gonna be more strict.

" Thank you for letting me wear what I want. The second rule is fine I won't stay out to late, I value my sleep to much for that. The third one is fine its your space, I don't need to interfere with your work. "  Just kidding I interefere with all of your work, condidering I make more money than you in the legal side of things and almost as much in the illegal side but you don't need to know that yet, " Lastly I don't have time for relationships nor do I want one so you don't need to worry about that but most of my friends are male so just know that's the group I hangout with more. But just out of curiosity what is it that you guys own to have this big of house and the fancy cars and clothes? "

" We own many hotels, casinos, as well as a finacing buisness. "

" Oh thats cool, I'm getting pretty tired. I think I'm gonna head to bed I've had an eventful day. " I stand up to leave and go to the door.

" Goodnight bambina, sleep well. " I turn back and give him a smile as I open the door. I walk out and gently close it behind me before heading back to my room.

Time to get ready for tonight.

Hi babies, so sorry that I didn't update yesterday. I was super busy, I'll try to get another chapter out tonight but I'm not 100 percent sure if it will happen.

I wanna thank everyone that has read my story so far, I appreciate it so much.

I love y'all and hope you have a wonderful day!

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