Chapter 12 - Pranks

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For some reason the picture of the outfit didn't upload so I put it on this one.


"Ompff" Sitting up I notice now there is only two of my brothers is the bed. Looking over the side I notice Marco on the floor rubbing the beack of his head and glaring at the sleeping body of Alessio I can't help but not laugh. Noticing me awake he switched his glare to me only to soften his look. Climbing over Mateo I walk over to the other side and help up Marco.

We head to the door, walking downstairs to get breakfast. Going inside the kitchen we notice no one else is awake. Looking at the clock I notice it's only four in the morning. Nudging Marco I point to the clock. Turing to look at eachother we both smile and run towards Angelos room. Apparently he is the prankster of the family. Opening his door I notice how messy his room is. It seriously looks like a bomb went off in here.

Going inside his closet we notice a giant tub full of prank stuff. Grabbing multiple different things we first go inside of his bathroom. Deciding to do the old dye in shampoo trick, we place neon pink hair dye into both his shampoo and condidtioner. Grabbing food dye we placce it in his toothpaste.

Unzipping his suitcase Marco takes out all of his underwear and a few pairs of socks. Placing gel into the bristles of his hairbrush while Marco hides his phone charger. Laughing we turn around only to find Alexander standing there with his arms crosses. We both stop at just stare at him. Placing our hands behind our back we give him innocent grins.

"What are you two doing in here?" He asks while intently staring at us.

"Nothing, why are you in here my dear favorite brother?" Marco asks back

"Just thought I heard something but apparently there's nothing in here." He winks at us while leaving closing the door behind him.

"That was scary, I though he was gonna rat us out." Marco wipes off the imaginary sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

I nod in agreement before we grab all of our supplies and quietly open the door looking both ways before going into Mateos room. Repeating the process but putting neon green in his shampoo and conditioner. As well as changing his toothpaste to purple. High fiving we both put everything back and go downstairs. Just in time too because as soon as were done their alarms started going off. However we may have also changed those so it screams " It's Britney Bitch" at full volume.

Laughing we go into the kitchen to grab breakfast. Twenty minutes later we hear to girly screams and Mateo and Angelo come running into the kitchen glarinh daggers at Marco and me. Both of us try not to laugh but end up failing. Both their teeth and hair are different colors and their lips from where the toothpaste would sit.

"Goodmorning my chil-" our father looks at the boys' and back at us a few times before laughing himself, "Oh they did good." He reaches over and gives Marco and I high-fives.

"Wait they aren't introuble? Whenever I do something I get introuble." Angelo questions him while pouting.

"That's because you always get caught and besides our princess is most likely the mastermind behind this and I can't be mad at her," Father reaches over and grabs some toast before continuing, " plus I think it's time you get pranked back." He finishes looking up giving Angelo a smile.

Angelo scoffs and sits down mumbling to himself about how unfair it is that I'm not getting introuble. Smirking to myself I start eating my breakfast.

"The plane leaves in two hours so make sure you're all ready to go within the next hour." Looking up at us we all just nod in aggreement continuing to eat.

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