Chapter 4

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Phil's POV

"Hllo Phil! How are you doing? I left you a voicemail before... anyways this is a new one. I was thinking about getting back with you. I miss you, the way we see eachother, the way we cuddle when it's a snow day, the way we kiss, the way we hunt for blood together, the way you kissed my neck to change me, the way... basically how we were with eachother. I miss everything about you. Even though you are like 2 hours away from where we lived before, together, I think I can cope up with the distance. I mean, we have skype, facetime, whatsapp, Imessage, etc to help is make us feel like we are near eachother. Please do respond for at least this on-" I replay that over and over again. Kyle, my ex-boyfriend sending me a voicemail about getting back together? I changed him into a vampire, and yes... I am one too. Whenever I see Dan... my fangs grow bigger and it is almost impossible for me to control them. But, the question is... do I like Kyle anymore? Did I just lust him... and wanted to be with him... Well, without a mate... I would have died... But...

*Ring ring*

"Hello?" I respond, attending the call as soon as it rings.. without even looking at the caller ID. Well, maybe I should have.

"PHIL LESTER! Where have you been gayboy?" I heard through the phone as I look at the caller ID now... It's Joe. (A/N not Joe sugg. Sorry.)

"What do you want Joe?" I ask, clearly annoyed.

"Oh, I just wanted to look how my ex-bestfriend... pardon me, my ex gay bestfriend's gay boyfriend was doing. How are you doing Mr.Anal sex man." He says, the words that would hurt me the most. 

"Oh you know, just the usual. Having butt sex with every homosexual I saw today. Ahhh, I am very tired." I fake a yawn, while in reality it's the lump that's growing in my throat. 

"Really? That's news to me. I am really glad, someone really does want you to bang them. I feel sorry for them. I have a party to crash, goodbye loser." He says hanging up as the tears fall free down my cheeks. I throw my phone away, thankfully it lands on top of my bean bag. Pulling my knees towards my chest, I pace back and forth on my bed. Tears were non-stopable, as if I were a niagara falls. Why me? 

The next morning

"Phil, wake up darling." I woke up to the sound of my mother waking me. I smile at her, remembering last night... my smile slowly fades away.

"What happened?" She asks, concern and sadness clear in her beautiful ocean blue eyes. 

"Nothing. Just tired. I feel like  am developing a fever mum." I say as she smiles.

"You look fine to me." She says smiling widely, soon sighing heavily.

"Phil, I know it is a little hard for making new friends in literally like a day. I understan-"

"Mum." I say cutting her off. She looks up as I see her eye is clouded with water.

"Yes?" She says as a little droplet of her tears rolls down her rosy cheeks. 

"Prepare my breakfast for me please?" I ask as she smiles.

"Phil, I will be there for you. No matter what. I am sorry, it is my fault that I gave birth to you... I am sorry that your father is a vampire and died since he didn't want me to feel the pain of almost death. I am sorr-" She says tears flooded in her eyes, ready to fall down. 

"Mum." I say as she smiles quietly.

"I am sorry Phillip." 

"Come on mum." I say giving her my best at smiling.

"You need a mate phil, or else you will die. It is not that easy for a mother to tell her child that he is going to die alright? You need to change someone into a vampire, make them live with you forever Phil. I can't bear to see you die before me. Dying isn't for you. I am really glad that you are only 17 years old... but if you have someone with you... forever... you can be immortal with them. But I would highly suggest to not love anyone son. Love is always a trap. It traps you and makes you miserable when the love of your life rejects you. I have felt it, but as soon as I saw your father... things changed... till I knew everything. So Phil, promise me." She finishes her little lecture as I nod.

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