Chapter 6: Brianna VS May (Part 2)

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“Serperior use Leaf Blades!”

“Blaziken Ember!”

Both attacks hit each other painfully but neither of them gave up.

Brianna’s eyes were burning. “Serperior use Leaf Blade with Leaf Tornado combined and surround it around Blaziken!”

Serperior cried out its name before making a huge tornado made of Leaf Blades; that made it look like a green twister, and surrounded Blaziken. Some of the crowd held to one another so they couldn’t catch up by wind’s mass.

“Blaze! Blaze! Blaziken!” The fire-type Pokémon cried when he was hit by the leaves. But somehow, he was able to withstand it all and the scratches seem as if it was nothing to it.

“Blaziken! Pretend you were defeated!” May ordered her Pokémon. However, despite the Pokémon’s dislike of the idea, it followed its mistress’ commands.


“That’s why May is doing this! If she could make it look like she actually lost, no suspicions will occur!”

“Dawn you’re a genius!” Leaf praised as Dawn nodded proudly.

“Of course I am!” Then the lunette laughed; Leaf sweat-dropped.

Misty sighed. “I really want to see Brianna’s face when she loses.” The other two nodded in agreement.


Blaziken knelt down on one knee while pretending to get weak.

May know how Blaziken hated the idea of losing or even indirectly surrendering for that matter. But she need to make sure no one would suspect that she is stronger than they expected.

Brianna smirked triumphantly. “Giving up yet?!”

“Blaziken use Ember to break the tornado!”

“Not a chance! Use Mega Drain Serperior!”

Before Blaziken could use Ember, the grass-type Pokémon took almost half of its energy. It saw an opportunity and took the chance to fall down and pretend he was defeated.

“Blaziken is unable to fight. Serperior wins!” The referee announced as he raised the left flag towards Brianna.

May took out Blaziken’s Poke ball from her bracelet, and sent him back. But not before saying…

“Good job Blaziken.”

“Yeah. Although I would appreciate it if you let me burn that bitch’s hair off!”

The sapphire-eyed brunette sweat-dropped at her Pokémon’s words. She watched Brianna’s lackeys cheering and giving her smug looks, in which she was not affected, and congratulated Brianna. 

May narrowed her eyes as she took out another Poke ball from her bracelet. “Go! Glaceon!” The ice-type evolvation of Eevee stood confident and determined. “We will win this.” She whispered before commanding. “Go Glaceon use Ice Fang!"

(A/N BTW, I'm using the moves on Bulbapedia.) 

Glaceon's fangs glinted blue and with amazing speed, she leaped from one place to another in a blur and bit down in Serperior's body. Serperior hissed in pain and swung its tail to get the Pokemon off but Glaceon dodged and leaped on the air before landing on the ground. 

Brianna growled. "Serperior use Leaf Tornado!" 

"Ser!" Serperior jumps and landed on his head then swishes his tail, creating a green tornado of sharp leaves. Then he  hurls the tornado at the Ice-type Pokemon.

"Glaceon use Dodge then Ice Beam!" May ordered.

Glaceon dodged the tornado with ease by jumping above it while opening her mouth. Blue crystals formed, and before anyone can blink, shot it at the grass-type Pokemon. Serperior's eyes widened but before he could avoid it, the beam already struck him creating a huge ice smoke.


"What the?" Drew muttered in confusion. "Was Glaceon a blur or something?"

"Conjuring up an Ice Beam in a heartbeat... May's been training." Gary spoke in awe. 

"Not only that, the fight barely even started! When did June became so strong?"

Paul narrowed his eyes at the ice-type Pokemon. "Ice against grass. Serperior's Leaf Tornado was strong enough to suck Glaceon in but-"

"She dodged it." Gray cuts off.

Paul glared at him. "Even so, with a wind current that powerful, Glaceon could either be sucked in or be blown away. Instead, she jumped as if it didn't affected her."

The two stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.

Meanwhile, Ash just watched.


The smoke cleared to reveal Serperior frozen in a mini iceberg, its eyes in swirl. Brianna stared agape.

"Serperior is unable to battle, Glaceon wins!" The referee announced while pointing the right flag at May, who looked smug.

Glaceon landed on all fours, raising her head in pride. She turned her head over to May and smiled. "Glaceon!"

May winked, grinning. "Great job!"

"GO MAY!" Dawn screamed at the sidelines, raising her fist in the air. "YOU DID AWESOME!"

"Thank you guys!" 

Leaf nodded her head in satisfaction. "That was a great battle."

"And a great way to humiliate Brianna!" Dawn cheered, jumping.

Brianna returned Serperior back to his Pokeball. She chose another one and glared at May's direction. "I will be the victor! Meganium, I choose you!" A pale green saurapod Pokemon appeared.


Brianna smirked. "Meganium is my treasured Pokemon. With him, I will crush your pathetic Glaceon to the ground!" 

Something in her snapped upon hearing the word 'pathetic' being addressed to her Pokemon. May scanned the red head's pink and pale-green grass Pokemon with a dark stare before deciding to consult the girls.

"Girls, should I win this with a single move or keep it longer?" She asked through the mind link.

"I say crush her ego!" -Dawn

"I second Dawn's." -Misty 

Leaf visibly sighed as she saw May's trembling hands from the distance. "I know you're pissed off, May. It's better if you can make the fight longer to avoid suspicion. Besides-" She let a smirk crept to her face. "Glaceon looks like she wants to freeze Brianna too." 

Indeed, though not clearly visible, GLaceon was giving Brianna a cold stare, growling in anger. 

"Pathetic?! Why you little- let me at her!" 

"No Glaceon! We can't attack Brianna directly." Then May whispered an inaudible 'though its tempting' before adding, "We'll play with her for awhile, okay?" Glaceon quietly huffed but nodded.

The referee glanced at both sides before yelling, "The final match for the three-on-three battle begins!" 


HELLO PEOPLE!!! Sorry1000x I am so late! I was so busy with projects, meetings, homeworks, activities, uploading, downloading, helping, creating, memorizing, and studying!! Though it finished last week, my schedule is so tight.

BTW, I planned to publish this next month but when I read HoresLover comment on my message board, I became a little guilty because of making you wait long. I hope this chapter suffice though!

Until next time~

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