Chapter 4: Challenge and Bet

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May quickly open the door before her blue-haired friend say the name of the Legendary Ice Pokémon. “Hey, guys! I’m back!” She said. ‘And you almost said the Legendary Ice Pokémon’s name!’ She added telepathically to Dawn.

Dawn sheepishly smiled while rubbing the back of her head. “My bad.”

“But you didn’t even do anything wrong.” Leaf said.

Dawn glared at her with a look that said, ‘Are you kidding? I’ve almost said a Legendary Pokémon’s name!’

“Well then!” Solidad exclaimed to get everyone’s attention. “I know I said all your morning periods are cancelled but how about taking out your Pokémon during this time? You have a few hours before lunch starts.” She suggested. The class cheered but Brianna and her lackey’s smirked while May and the girls smiled.

Brianna raised her hand. “If that’s so, can we do battles?” She asked sweetly.

Solidad nodded.


“Hey, I challenge you!”

“It’s a great work-out for my Pokémon.”

 “Thanks Solidad!”

With that, the students ran to the door but Brianna with her lackeys and May with her friends stayed. Brianna had that look in her eyes that said, ‘You’re in for it now, bitch!’

“I challenge you to a battle!” She declared.

Leaf, Misty, and Dawn stared at her in disbelief with a look that said, ‘Do you and your Pokémon want to die?’ 

“Fine.” May answered.

Leaf and the others turned to her in shock.

For the past years, May was just an average trainer that wins and loses but when they figured out her secret and witnessed her battle; they found out that May wasn’t an average type after all. She was beyond champion! Even legendary!

Brianna smirked and her lackeys smirked. They obviously thought that May was weak, but they thought wrong. “Meet me at the school’s battle arena in an hour.” She said before she, and her so-called friends, walked away.

May and the others did the same and rested under the shade of a Maple Tree.

“Are you seriously going to do it, May?” Leaf asked. “You know you’re not supposed to use your legendary skills in this battle.”

“Who says I have to?” May asked as she rested on the trunk of the tree.

Misty sighed. “Nobody knows that you are more powerful than you seem except us.”

“Be careful though.” Dawn added.

“I will.”


“I may like the fame but fan girls are sometimes annoying.” Drew said, flicking his hair.

Gary smirked. “For you. But I love them! They’re the things that make life exciting!”

“Or threatening.” Paul whispered. Gary heard it and glared at him.

“Anyway, we should get some food!” Ash cheered and as he was about to walk away, he was held by the ear by Gary.

Gary’s eyes twitched, “You’ve already ate.”

“But it was not enough!”

‘Is his stomach a black hole or something?’ All of them, except the ash-haired, thought.

“So May, how was your summer?”

They guys turned their head to their left and saw the girls under the Maple Tree. Ash was going to call them and Paul was about to walk away but were held back by the pervert and grasshopper. They were drag and hid in some bushes where no one will spot them.

May shrugged. “The usual.”

Leaf smiled. “I see.” She leaned on the trunk and the others followed her position. “How were the usual ‘I’m taking over the world’ teams?” She asked while making finger quotations.

The orange-haired and blue-haired giggled.

May gazed upon the view in front of her. Some students were relaxing on the field of grass, training their Pokémon, or doing something that is isn’t worth it.

The tree was just beside the front part of the school where bushes lined on either side. The pathway to school and the gates were made of white cement. Across from the tree is another tree except it was a Cherry Tree and has no bushes.

The school was huge and it consists of elementary and high school divisions. It is surrounded by a cream-colored wall and the gates were silver and big. Beside the walls are bushes of flowers.  

It has five floors; the first floor is the lobby, the second is where the cafeteria, gym, cooking, and other activities were held, the third floor is the cafeteria, teacher’s lounge and principal’s office, and a laboratory, the fourth and fifth is the high classrooms.

 The elementary division has only three floors; the first floor is the principal’s office, cafeteria, and teacher’s lounge, the second are the elementary class rooms and on the third floor is the place where students learn all about Pokémon. It is located at the back of the school.

At the center of both schools is a huge battlefield, but also a place where physical activities are held, and it can turn to any elemental field you want.

The brunette sighed. “They were furious whenever I stopped their plans and wanted me out of their way. They have been harder to defeat lately, I give them that but I still beat them.” She answered.

“Who the heck are they talking about?” Gary inquired and was shushed by Drew. Paul look annoyed and Ash was…well on the ground and kept muttering about, ‘They’re evil’ and ‘Isn’t food important for the body?’ and especially ‘Too…hungry.’

Dawn nodded proudly before turning her face serious. “Which one of your Pokémon will you choose?”

Leaf and Misty glanced at each other before facing May.

“I suggest Glaceon since she became stronger. And I want to see that bitch’s face when she loose!” Leaf implied with fire in her eyes and matching fist.

The guys hiding exchanged looks.

“So April is fighting somebody, eh?”

“She’s going to lose to whoever fought her.”

Ash heard Drew and Gary mutter and slowly sat upright.


“Nine Tails use Willow Wisp!” A voice ordered. The Pokémon followed its master’s command and shot a bunch of purple-flame wisps to a bunch of guys wearing black uniforms with a red capital R in the middle.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” They cried as they got hit. The men who dodged growled as they glared at the girl in front of them.

“You won’t get away this time!”

“We will defeat you!”

“How dare you!”

They began to charge at the girl with their Poke balls and knives in hand. The girl stood still as if she was not afraid of them.

“Nine Tails use Willow Wisp Sphere.”

The Lunar Pokémon sent a ball of flamed wisps and knocked the guy’s out. Ash peered behind the tree he was hiding and saw the girl who ordered the attacks. The girl sensed his presence and slowly turned to reveal-

Flashback End

“Ash. Ash. Ash!”

The said name yelped and involuntarily punched the person who called him.

It was Paul.

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