Just the two of us

Start from the beginning

"Where the hell are we meant meet them?" James asks as he tucks his shirt in before absentmindedly fiddling with his promise ring. A smile graces his face at the touch of it.

Sirius laughs dryly as he moves to tie Peters tie, "We wait at the bottom of the grand stairs," When he finishes with Pete he spares a look in the mirror and smoothes his hair back. "Well gentlemen, I'll catch up with you later. I've got an errand to run," He settles them all with a glance and walks out the dorm.

"I hope he trips tonight," Remus mutters as soon as he's sure Sirius is out of earshot.

James chuckles and ruffles his friends hair, "Sirius Black never trips, he elegantly staggers." Remus smacks James' arm away and he give him a mocking laugh.

"What errand does he have to run? " Peter pockets his wand before he walks out the door, the rest following. Remus shrugs, not really caring about Sirius plans for tonight. Sure he'd probably ask around, but other than that he's determined to have a decent time tonight.

"Just wait until he's drunk and ask him later," James pats Peter and Remus on their shoulders before trotting off in front of them.

He's probably the most party going of the marauders, always up for a dare, a drink and a dance.

"Poor bloke is going to get shit-faced." Remus says with a grin on his lips. Drunk James never ceases to be a source of entertainment.

"Let's hope all of us do," Peter mutters with a sigh as they reach the end of the stairs. Alice spots Peter and beckons him over. As he walks towards her, he grabs his flask from his pocket and takes a swig before quickly putting it back.

"There you are," A voice says lightly and Remus whirls around. Lily's making her way down the staircase, holding up her dress so she doesn't fall. "Where the hell is James?" Even with her heels on the girl couldn't see over the crowd.

"I think he went to find you, he's wondering about somewhere then," Remus muses, covering up a laugh with a cough due to the annoyed look in her eyes.

Lily groans "Figures," Before she can leave, he catches her arm.

"Do you think Cordelia will be down soon?"

She's about to reply but her eyes land on something behind Remus. Lily nods to the top of the staircase and he turns. Upon seeing his date and her best friend, Remus' jaw goes slack. His breath hitches.

They look beautiful.

She looks beautiful.

Iris has a bashful smile on her lips as she catches sight of Sirius, who's just walked in. Meanwhile Cordelia is trying her best not to let her heels slip on the stairs. They could've at least rolled out a carpet.

Remus is caught in a moment of breathless delight. The noise from behind him fades, and the light high above only seems to exists to cast a golden light on Cordelia.

The dress fits her snugly at the top in navy silk with lace patterns crawling over her shoulders and down the valley of her chest. And the waist, an explosion of shimmering royal blue fabric breaks from the snug top and cascades to the floor. Glints of gold sparkle as she moves. The deep blue contrasts perfectly with her skin tone and dark hair.

She reaches the bottom with a sheepish smile on her face and a blush to her cheeks with the way he looks at her. Remus' heart pounds in his chest and he internally prays she can't hear. "Darling, you're stunning." He takes her hand and spins her around. The back is just as beautiful. It's exposed, but the same intricate lace covers her back like a second skin.

'where we are now' remus lupin & regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now