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Amity's POV

I was back at the Manor again. I have never wanted to call it my home and I never will. The room in the library or the Owl House was a better option than here.

Father was there too. His ominous figure standing over me, cruelty in his eyes.
"What have you done, Amity?" His hate-filled voice hissing in my ears. His grip on my arm tightened by the second. I felt as if my bones would break under his grasp.

I trembled with fear as I raked through my brain, trying to figure out even the smallest imperfection I gave off. Nothing came to mind, I just looked up, cowering under him.

"You're only a disgrace to the Blight name. You do not deserve this life of luxury that your mother and I have worked tirelessly for," he spat , the fury boiling up inside of him. He brought up a hand to strike me like all the other times he had done before.

"No! Father, please!" I screamed.

I jerked awake, gasping for air.

My heart pounded in my chest as I sat up, my hands shaking with fear. I realised that I was crying when I felt tears trickle down my neck.

Looking around in panic, I tried to figure out where I was. I was in a familiar looking room. There was an atlas to my right, a poster of Azura and other random bits and bobs.

I looked to my side, still breathing heavily as I realised Luz was sleeping like a rock, her hair brushing my arm.


I concentrated on her and her calming breath against my hand and the bursts of electricity it sent through my arm.

I tried to let out a breath of air but it came out broken into sobs. The fear that took over me when he was there about to beat me like the countless times before. I didn't know why I was so terrible at everything. No matter how much I studied, no matter how many As I got, no matter what I did, my parents favoured Ed and Em over me. I'm not mad at the twins for that. I'm mad at Mother and Father.

The nightmare wasn't the first time it happened but it scared me nonetheless every single time.

I tried to quieten down the sobs that were escaping my mouth and face away from the sleeping human next to me in an attempt to hide the noise. I really didn't want to wake her up for her to see me like this, but the other part of me wanted her awake to seek comfort in her arms. Luz was the only thing that kept going. She was so perfect.

Luz is everything to me, I'm not sure if she knows that, though. Every day I go to school looking forward to seeing her again. Even hearing her voice from afar was enough to make her day so much better. My mood was lightened when I thought about what happened yesterday (I'm assuming that it was past midnight), trying to distract myself from the lingering memory.
Luz literally confirmed that she loved me. She loves me. The thought made me feel a lot better and I tried to forget all my problems I'd have to face again when I'd have to leave. I but wouldn't yet. So everything was okay for now.

A few minutes later, I slumped down back into the mattress with my head on my pillow. Since I wasn't sitting up anymore, Luz's breath was on my shoulder, her hair brushed against my ear and chin. It made a shiver go down my spine, but having Her so close was so comforting.

Then, without warning, the girl rolled over in her sleep towards the warmth of my body. I backed away but she swung an arm around me and wrapped her legs in mine, burying her head into my shoulder.

My ears and face burned and my muscles tensed up. Wide eyed I tried to process what happened. My whole body was tingling. I didn't know what to do.
She's freaking hugging me in her sleep what do I do what do I WHAT DO I DO?

Taken to Another World (Lumity AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang