"I'm okay Hobi."

It took a little more convincing before Hoseok believed she really was alright. They lay down in opposite directions with their heads next to each other. Anna waited for her breathing to calm down, while Hoseok waited for his heart to stop racing.

"Why does he want me?"


Anna turned her head to face Hoseok.

"Jungkook. Why does he want me to sing his song?"

"Because you have a beautiful voice which is perfect for the song."

"I don't know if I can do it."


"I love singing. I always have, but I've never been confident about my voice. I could have had lessons and improved and done more, but... I didn't want to lose it."

"Lose what?"

"My love for singing. I was worried that if I was criticised, if my flaws were pointed out, or if I worked on improving. Then it would suck all the joy out of it. And I couldn't bear to lose one of the only things that make me happy. "

"I think I understand. You don't have to do it. Jungkook will be sad, but he'll understand. The reason he took so long to ask you is because he didn't want you to feel forced to do it."

"He'll find someone else."



"I don't know if I should tell you. I don't want you to feel pressured."

"Tell me."

"He won't find someone else."

"What do you mean?"

"He only wants you to sing it. If you don't, then..."


"He won't release the song at all."

The next few minutes were spent in silence as Hoseok let Anna process what he had just told her. He understood what she was afraid of. Exposing part of yourself, especially something that meant a lot to you, was scary for anyone, but when it was being exposed to the whole world it was terrifying.

Feeling that there was nothing more he could contribute on the subject, Hoseok decided to change it.

"So, you've been dancing without me?"


"No! It's okay. No wonder you've been improving so much. But earlier, where did you learn that?"

"What? I didn't. I was just... improvising?"

"Really? Wow, it was good. I'll make a dancer out of you yet."

Anna rolled her eyes at the dancer's exaggeration but felt warm at his compliments.

"I have an idea. We should record you dancing. You could upload as content for ARMY."

"Yeah? You think ARMY would want to see that?"

"Yep. Why not?"

"Because I'm not part of BTS. I'm just..."

She was going to say she was just their soulmate but stopped thinking it probably wouldn't be taken well. She just meant, why would ARMY have any interest in her unless the boys were involved?

"Have you not checked your social media accounts?"

"No? I don't know what to post."

"ARMY are interested in you. They want to get to know you too."

"Okay. We'll record our next lesson."

"Good. I'll organise it."

While they were speaking about dancing, Anna had an idea. She sat up and Hoseok followed so they were sitting facing each other.

"Hobi, could you help me with something?"

"Of course."

"You know some of the others have been... teasing me."

"Yes. I know."

"Well, Jungkook is helping me with a surprise for them, but we need to get them all together."

"A surprise?"

"A dance."

"I could get them all to come to the dance studio for an extra practice?"

"Yeah? You, and Yoongi, don't have to come."

"Why wouldn't... Oh! Jungkook's helping you with a dance. No, I'll be there. There's no way I would miss it."


"Ooh, I'm excited! I'll check our schedules and organise it soon. Okay?"

When Hoseok said soon he meant it. A few days later, he informed Anna that he had found time in their schedules when they were all free and had called an extra dance practice.

She met up with Jungkook beforehand and he was currently trying to calm her down. She was a little nervous. She was wearing tracksuit bottoms and a crop top. She wasn't quite confident enough to wear her usual tight yoga pants whilst doing this type of dance, but she wanted to show a bit of skin.

Thinking of all the times her soulmates had teased her and how good it would feel to tease them back, she nodded at Jungkook and let him lead her into the dance studio. The rest of her soulmates were already there. They weren't too surprised to see her joining them, as it wasn't an unusual occurrence. That would soon change.

Hoseok got the rest of them to sit down in front of the mirrors while Jungkook and Anna stood in the middle of the room.

"Now you may be disappointed to learn that we will not be having an extra dance practice today."


"But we could still have one if you really want to..."

"Aww. I'm so sad. Right, Namjoon?"

"Same, Jin Hyung. I was really looking forward to more dancing."

"That's what I thought. Anyway, instead, Anna wants to show you something she's been working on."

Anna looked at each of her soulmates. Yoongi was smirking. Obviously, Hoseok had told him what to expect. When she caught his eye, he gave her a nod of approval. Looking at Hoseok, he gave her a thumbs up which she returned, and he went to turn the music on. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Jungkook and waited for the music to start.

Once they locked eyes, Anna forgot about everything else. They had been practising every minute Jungkook was free, and the pair were so in sync it was as if they were one. Jungkook was definitely the soulmate she had spent the most time with, and therefore was the one she felt closest to. Sometimes this made her feel guilty and she promised herself she would find more time to spend with the others.

Despite the reason for the dance, her youngest soulmate had always done his best to be as respectful as possible during rehearsals. There were moments when Anna wished that Jungkook was one of the soulmates who were teasing her, and sometimes it felt as though he was. Being pressed up against his muscular body, while they danced, was a form of torture.

The dance ended with a lift. Jungkook's arms were wrapped around her thighs and Anna's hands rested on his shoulders. They held the position for a moment while they stared into each other's eyes.

"I'll do it."

Jungkook's brows wrinkled in confusion at Anna's whispered words.

"I'll sing your song for your mixtape."

Anna felt herself slowly slide down Jungkook's body until her face was hovering just above his.

"Our song."

He reached up and captured Anna's lips in a passionate kiss.

The rest of their soulmates still sat, forgotten, in shock at what they had just witnessed. Their thoughts were stuck between trying to forget and wanting to see it over and over again. They had no idea Anna could move like that, or that she would be confident enough to dance like that in front of them. If this was in response to their teasing, then it had been worth it.

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