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Terry got inside his office as swiftly as she could. 

"How is she?" he inquired. 

"She's safe now."

"And Liam?"

"He's in jail for now. They'll need to keep him for 24 hours until evidences could be presented against him. By then, we'll have Nora run through every single scene and she'll be with officers who will take her to the place we've set-up."

"That's good to know."

A quick silence filled the room.

"Are you really sure about doing all of these?"

He faced her as his eyes bore into her. 

"What do you mean?"

"I still have some hesitations within me with all of these."

"I understand what you must be thinking right now. But as I have kept telling both of you, there's no more going back."

"I know, I just hope nothing goes wrong and that Nora would be safe all throughout all of this."

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm sure that she can take care of herself. But other than that, she will be protected. I have my eyes on her all throughout all of this."

His mind fell on to another memory that he's had of Nora just before all of this happened. 

"I know that all of this would be overwhelming at first. But you need to think about every aspiration you have. Your freedom, your own life, your family and your friends."

"And you?"

He stopped in front of her and held her on both of her shoulders. 

"Don't think about doing this for me. Think about what you can do for Kara. Justice for her is the only thing that I want. Even if it means me using all that I have, my money, the wealth, all of it. All I care is to serve the justice she deserves."

He collected a small box from his table and handed it over to her. He opened it for her and she held high a diamond necklace that shone beautifully against the room's light. 

"What is this?"

"This is your panic button. Behind this diamond pendant is a button that you could press when you feel like you will be getting into trouble or danger. The moment you press that button, a person I trust so much will receive the transmission of that button over to him and he will be at your rescue. This is a dangerous game we're trying to play. So I'd want you to be safe and to be protected all the time."

All throughout the entire year that's he's trained her, she's learned five different languages, she's learned martial arts which he insisted that she take to make sure that she too can protect herself at anytime.

She's been taught how to handle a gun for protection. He has basically invested all his resources to for her to succeed in this plan. At the same time, he's been keeping his resources well to make sure that when this day comes, he will not go bankrupt. He has so much on the horizon that he has planned out to make sure that all of his plan does not go to waste. 

"What happens if they'd ask for any proof that I am really Kara? A blood test? DNA test? Finger prints?"

"I have that taken cared of so you don't have to worry about it anymore."

He knows someone who has already hacked the system and has integrated all of her genetics in place to Kara's. Her finger prints, no matter how much it would be tested will simply show as Kara's. That includes blood tests and even her DNA.

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