Chapter 10 - THE FIRST MOVE

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She braced herself for everyone's questions. She was sitting in the middle of the media from all corners of the city. At least within the area that's her so-called family's territory. 

She could hear every clicks of their cameras as well as the murmurs of almost every one. Her appearance seem to have really shattered everyone. After five long years, the missing daughter has returned.

Every single report that's inside this conference room has been preparing for the questions that they wanted to ask her. Who would not want to?

The family of the missing woman has lost hope of ever finding her, or so they thought. And now, just when her father is about to start his campaign as a senator, she occurred out of nowhere. A drama that would stir up everyone's world, especially her so-called family. 

Not far from where she is, a man in disguise was standing just in between all the reporters. Wearing a black fedora with a fake mustache and eyeglasses. 

He was standing right across her staring deeply into her green eyes. 

It felt really strange the moment she saw Kara's photo. Indeed the similarity is so uncanny. 

The same deep set green eyes and almost every feature she has was an exact replica of Kara's that she thought they could be twins. 

She glared at him as he smirked at her greeting her the best of luck. 

In a few minutes, the head speaker inside the conference room started speaking. He was giving a short introduction for her and as soon as he was finished, everyone in the room started raising their hands, with the hope that she would entertain their questions. 

The head speaker pointed a finger towards a woman who was wearing flimsy clothes. 

"Can you tell us what happened to you for five years?"

She recalled in her mind the story that they were supposed to be running the moment she step in. 

"What happened to you?" her mind was thinking of when Terry and Keld were preparing her for her sudden appearance. 

"I was abducted by someone while I was on my way home one day. I was walking alone after a quick jog when all of a sudden someone grabbed me from behind. They covered my mouth and nose with a handkerchief and that was when I blacked out."

"Show me more tears." Terry instigated tears from me. 

"I...I found myself inside a dark underground where I was tied up wearing only my underwear." her eyes started to well up.

"Be more convincing. If you need to cry harder, do it. The key is to make everyone believe that you've been through such a terrible incident."

She kept talking all the while trying to remember the script they were supposed to ran through for everyone. 

"They tortured me, telling me that they would kill my family if I don't give them what I want."

Her mind refused to think of the things that she's saying right now. It was a story they thought could be a realistic thing to happen. No matter how much she'd want to, she just could not imagine it ever happening to anyone. But to her dismay, it does happen to a few people who are victims of kidnapping. 

She could not bear to think what they may have gone through, and now, she's setting her mind to think of the same thing to be happening to her in order to manipulate people. She said a quiet prayer for all of those who may have been a victim of the same thing. 

"They took advantage of me." she stopped mid-sentence and swallowed a lump in her throat. She's pretending to be someone who has gone through something that's too brutal she could not even say it herself. "I can't.. I -- I just can't.."

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