Chapter 5 - PREJUDICE

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He was sitting in his chair for the longest time he could remember. All he could remember doing was staring blankly at the carpeted floor of his office. His mind remained on the golf course with the face of the woman she'd never expected to be seeing.

How is it possible? How could someone look so cunningly and vividly the same as the woman he once has known? He felt dumbfounded that day as he saw her took off the huge summer hat and revealed her face.

He could not even fathom the sudden skipping of his heartbeat. All he could do was stare at her with his mouth wide open. Before he could even recover from his reaction, she was already gone, trying to get away from all the paparazzi's that were flocking the event from a distance.

That morning, he was on the front page of the entertainment magazines and in most newspapers. His face was displayed prominently while the woman he was talking to was mostly photographed behind her back or most of the time, with her summer hat fully covering her face.

It created a buzz in the business world and the calls he's been receiving from his associates were endless. Everyone wanted to know who she was and some were even asking whether he'd be getting hitched soon.

His name that has been as what Terry would often coin as "hot commodity" has turned into an "essential item". In all honesty, he hated the attention. He wasn't ready for it and he will never be ready for what the rest of the world could do to him if he chooses to succumb to it.

"You haven't moved a single muscle today." Terry stood there with her hands crossed against her chest.

He didn't even notice the door opening and her getting in. He took a deep breath as he noticed how the sun has started to come down. His day usually does not go by without him moving. In all of his life ever since what happened, he's always been a busy bee.

"I know." he calmly answered.

He noticed that she came near him and took a seat across from him.

"What's on your mind?" she placed her Prada on the mahogany-coated floor.

"The resemblance was...."

"Uncanny. I know." she cut him off.

He glared at her and noticed that she was already expecting his expression.

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew. I went there and asked to see the girls personally. So of course, I know."

"Why would you not tell me?"

"Would it make any difference if you knew?"

He was astounded. Indeed, would it make any difference if he knew she existed? What would he have done the moment he'd known that someone like her is on the other side of his money-crazed world?

He thought to himself, he would have gone crazy over her. Stalking her endlessly. That's how foolish he was a long time ago.

"I'd like to see her again."

"I can't let you do that. Yesterday will be the last time you'd see her. I highly recommend you let this one go."

Terry started to fix herself and grabbed her Prada from the floor.

"I have a proposition for her."

She stopped in the middle of the room and turned to him again.

"What kind of proposition?"

"Remember when I told you a long time ago about how I wanted to show them how powerful I could become?"

"Your revenge?"

HIS REVENGEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora