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"Yay! yay! yay! yay!" Clara skipped and bounced around as they went down the stairs that apparently lead to their classroom.

"Stop bouncing around Valac!" Asmodeus scolded her while making sure Iruma didn't trip and fall while down down the stairs.

"Aw come on Azz-Azz! Aren't ya happy we and Iruma-chi and Bel-chi are on the same class!" Clara buzzed on her shoes.

"Of course I am! If I am with Iruma-sama I can overcome any hardship!" Azz sparkled as he declared that.

"Hm yeah sure" Belphie grimaced at the stench in the place they were in.

"I don't know why they put a classroom here"

"I'm with you on that one Azz" Belphie's frown deepened.

They looked at the huge worn out door in front of them.

"Is it okay to-"

"Step inside!"Clara pushed Iruma causing the door to open.

Weapons suddenly came at him making flip and skid across the floor as Iruma dodges all of them.

"Ouch!" Iruma falls flat on his face after dodging all the weapons.

"Bravo!" The students in the class clapped and praised Iruma for the show.

"Anyone who lost the bet, please give your money" A student with ear piercings and rings on each of his fingers said as multiple students came and line themselves up.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Asmodeus demanded.

"Oh we're just playing a prank on whoever steps inside the class. We bet how many times those things will hit you. Don't worry,the clinic is nearby,be assured!"A blonde demon sitting on his tail waved it off.

'So this is what they call the abnormal class huh?'

'I just stepped in and was almost killed' Iruma's cold sweat dropped down his face at the realization.

"You're the only one who dodged all those things but there's a guy who took full damage"

"Eh?! Is he alright?! He must be seriously injured right now-"

"Ridiculous!! Dodging is the act of cowards" A booming voice sounded cutting Iruma off.

"I, Sabnock Sabro, is the most suitable person for the position of demon king!" Sabnock declared standing all over Iruma and the others.

'The guy who took full damage! Look at the swords sticking on his body!' Iruma inspected Sabnock's huge figure.

"Eh? Sabnock you're here in this class too?" Belphie raised his eyebrow towards the huge demon who he had befriended.

"Ah! Belphegor!" Sabnock turns to Belphie.

"I told you to call me Belphie"

"Yeah call Bel-chi, Bel-chi!"

"Belphie not Bel-chi Clara" Belphie corrected as Clara bounced in front of him.

"Right Bel-chi!"

Belphie sighed seeing no point in correcting Clara anymore seeing that she won't change his nickname.

"Uh Belphie you know him?" Iruma looked between Belphie and Sabnock.

"Yeah he-"

"You! Honor student!" Belphie glared at Sabnock who cut his sentence off.

"I will become Yod and become the Demon King! Soon you will also have to kneel at my feet"

Belphie didn't like the words that came out of Sabnock's mouth.

Welcome to demon school! Belphie-kun!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang