"Draco, you need to relax", Harry said, holding back laughter.

"I hate this sport", he huffed, lips forming a pout.

Harry kissed the pout off of his face.

"Let me help you."

Wrapping his arms around Draco, he guided his swing.

"Wait, you're not doing this on purpose so I'll hold you, are you?"

"Potter, I'm extremely competitive. Why would I of all people lose something on purpose? If I wanted your affection I would either demand it or take it."

Stifling a laugh, Harry took his turn, getting a hole in one.

"You suck."

"I could, with consent of course", Harry flirted with a wink.

Heat crept up Draco's face and he looked away as Harry laughed. Soon enough, they finished up their round of mini golf.

"Come on my blushing beauty, let's get something to drink yeah?"

Rolling his eyes, Draco walked off to the snack stand, with a grinning Harry right behind him. They stood in line as Draco questioned what half of the menu items were.

"Harry what on earth is a slushie?"

"It's like frozen juice essentially. It comes in different flavors, usually fruit."

"Interesting. I'll take a blue raspberry. That sounds fun."

Harry ordered a cherry for himself. Holding the slushie in one hand and Draco's hand in the other, they started walking around the boardwalk.

"This is actually not terrible", Draco mused, lips pursued around the straw.

"Can I try some?"

"Of course you can."

Instead of handing Harry his cup like a normal person, Draco pulled Harry in for a deep kiss. His tongue traced along Harry's bottom lip, and Harry tentatively opened his mouth. Harry pulled away breathlessly as Draco smirked triumphantly.



"I can't tell if I like cherry though, I think I need another taste."

Before Draco could lean back in, they were interrupted by a voice.

"Mom, I didn't know they had grape flavor! Their lips are purple."

The mother raised an eyebrow at the two men.

"Sorry bud, they don't have grape. I like purple too so I had the nice woman at the counter mix cherry and blue raspberry", Harry replied sheepishly.

"Mom can I get that too?"

"Sure sweetie. Let's leave the nice two men alone now."

Walking away, she turned around and mouthed "thank you" to Harry. He smiled and nodded his head in response.

"That kid just stole the rest of my cherry, didn't he?", Draco asked with a pout.

Laughing, Harry just switched out their cups.

"I hate children", Draco muttered, angrily sipping the cherry, and making a face at the sweetness. "My drink is better anyway. Give it back."

"My poor Draco", Harry cooed, pulling him in for another kiss.

"Git", Draco huffed, allowing Harry to kiss him anyway. "Let's go find something else to do."

Throwing an arm around Harry's waist, Draco led him down the boardwalk to investigate another building.

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