A Possible Reconciliation (3/3): Starfire and Nightwing

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A Possible Reconciliation (3/3): Starfire and Nightwing

"What do you think?" Nightwing asked the little girl, holding up a small, velvet box. "Do you think that she would like it?"

The little girl flew to him while giggling. She stopped and made a kissy face before saying, "I love you." Then she was gone. The hologram of his daughter played in a loop, causing his deceased daughter to repeat the actions and words over again.

He didn't know what she would have truly thought of his decision but he responded to her based on what he would think she would say.

"Right, I am moving too fast...I know, I know; but they say the third time's the charm...Okay, you are right. We haven't talked about it. Maybe I should talk about her moving in with me first. Do you think that she will say yes?... You're right; she will say yes. I should just ask- "

Hearing the door to the columbarium opening, he quickly closed the box and tucked it away.

He waited for Changeling to come in. Although the columbarium was fully structured and designed, only he and Changeling used it. Cyborg preferred to visit the graveyard where his mother was buried while Raven stated that Azarathians believe that the dead couldn't hear you so they didn't visit graves.

However, the person that stepped inside the room wasn't Changeling; it was Starfire.

From the look on her face, she was shocked to see him as he was to see her.

"Sorry, I wasn't aware that you were here. I will return later."

"No, you don't have to go. I've stayed here long enough."

"Umm." She looked nervous as she fiddled with her hands. "I was wondering..." She glanced down at the floor. "I was wondering if you would stay. I want to tell you more stories about Mary. That is if you are not still mad at me."

"Starfire," he said her name gently. "I had time to cool down and think things over. I'm not upset with you anymore." His words caused her to face him. "I understand the decision that you had to make, the lives you had to save. I don't like the results, but I understand."

He watched as water gathered in her as she bit her lower lips. Knowing his ex-girlfriend well, he held out his arms and she flew into them.

She wrapped her arms around him and cried in the crock of his neck. "I didn't think that you would ever truly forgive me."

"I have, so don't cry." He patted her on the back. "Mary wouldn't want to see you cry. Besides, how are you going to tell me stories if you are crying?"

She pulled away from him and wiped away her tears. She gave him a watery smile. "You're right. I have many wonderful stories to tell you."

An hour and a half, they sat on the bench in the room, laughing and talking about Mary as the hologram video continued to play.

"I wish that I could have met her for myself," Nightwing said wistfully.

"I'm sorry." Her eyes traveled to her feet.

"I'm not blaming you, Starfire." He placed his hand under her chin and lifted it up towards him. "I'm thankful that you had her and that she was able to live a happy life with you and your people. Thank you."

She smiled. "You don't have to thank me. She was my daughter. Our daughter."

He watched her bite her lower lip. He frowned. He hated to see Starfire self-conscious around him. It dimmed her beautiful personality. He opened his mouth to ease her worries; however, she spoke before him.

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