Answer and Question

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Answer and Question

In hind sight, maybe being direct wasn't the best idea. But for that entire day, he thought of different scenarios on how he was going to tell her. On a whim, he decided to be direct.

He ruffled his head as he thought about the other day.

"Rae?" She had been quiet for a while. She stood there staring at him and occasionally blinking. He wasn't sure if her silence was a good thing or a bad thing. He knew by the explosion that he shocked her. From their bond he felt many emotions, yet he couldn't decipher none of them.


Okay. He knew that was a big possibility when he asked, but still it hurt to hear her say it out loud. However, there was still hope, right? A 'no' today could be a 'yes' tomorrow.

He nodded. "Okay." An awkward moment passed before he said, "So, we are going with Persian, right?" He grabbed his own phone despite her phone being out. He needed to do something to hide his embarrassment.

She studied him. "Maybe I should go."

He looked up from his phone. "Why? There's no reason for you to leave. Besides, you owe me dinner. I can't believe you messed up tacos with the kit." He teased, trying to lighten up the mood. "I knew we shouldn't have skipped the basic."

She didn't say anything as she continued to study him. "Look, you said no, and I respect that. I don't want things to change between us. We are still good friends. So, stay."

He winced. Why didn't he leave it at that? The rest of the night was going well. It was awkward and quiet at first, but the awful tacos were a good ice breaker and soon it was back to normal between them. Until, he ruined it.

"Why not?" He asked as they ate their food. It was bothering him. He was sure that she liked him.

Although the only evidence that he had was a sleepy kiss years ago, he felt that something was there. Furthermore, Yasmine had told him that she never dated or showed interest in a guy since knowing her. His only competition seemed to be 'he', the ice cream flavors guy.

Earlier, she said that he only had a few good qualities. He thought she was teasing, but what if she was honestly expressing her opinion of him. Did she think so little of him?

Not one to shy away from his fear, he asked her directly.

"Do I have to answer that?"

"No, but I would like to know why?"

She put her fork down and exhale. "We're not compatible, I'm nothing like any of the people you had been in a relationship with, and you're not my type. Dating will just end with us breaking up and destroying a good friendship and affecting the team. It's better for us not to go down that path. The two of us successfully dating is impossible. What?"

"I didn't say anything."

"You're smiling."

He probably was. He could deal with the answer that she gave him.

"I know what you are thinking, Dick. It's not going to happen. Get it out of your head now."

"We have done the impossible before."

"This isn't a mission." She groaned, frustrated. "You and I are not right for each other."

"We both dated people who were right for us, and yet, we are both still single. Besides, you never said you didn't like me. That gives me hope." He took a bite out of his food as he watched her come up with another excuse.

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