Shhh, Don't Tell

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"What do you think that I should do?" Dick heard Victor asking over the phone via the Titans app. "I mean, every time I try to bring it up, she changes the subject or leaves."

"Maybe, you shouldn't bring it up if she's not comfortable with it. That's a touchy subject." Gar said. "The best thing to do is leave it alone."

Once every two weeks, the three males of the group got together to do an activity. The activity could be anything such as playing card games, watching a movie, doing an extreme sport, or simply just hanging out. It was a time for them to bond without the females in the group, and to have conversations that they didn't want them to know about. They were currently on a three-way call while playing online poker since Dick was still banned from the Tower. It has been almost two weeks since he had been there.

"I can't just leave it alone." Vic said. "I feel like I'm responsible for the rumors. Maybe I should send out a memo."

"No, don't," Dick said. "You'll only make it worse. I'm with Gar. You should leave it alone. If she brings it up, then talk about it. If you hear someone say something personally, then address that person. But don't add fuel to the fire. If you say something, it'll make the rumors seem true. I mean, they aren't true, are they?"

"What! No, of course not," Vic said defensively.

"But you want it to be true." Gar commented.

"Why would I want that?"

"Because you like her." Both of his friends said.

"No... I's..." He sighed. "I do like her. I mean, she's-"

"smart," Gar interrupted.

"likes to play video games," Dick added.

"makes a mean pie,"

"can fix a car,"

"has a great smile,"

"and beautiful eyes,"

"and a sweet personality,"

"Did we miss something?" Dick asked.

"I talked about her more than I thought." Vic mumbled through the phone.

"Don't be embarrass. I think, she likes you too." Gar said.

"You think," Vic asked cheerfully.

"She did say that she wanted you to be her knight in shining armor and not her boss. It sounds like she does to me."

"Regardless," Dick said. "Before anything happens between you two, make sure you get her to sign an NDA. It will save you a headache in the future."

"You sound like Amy," Victor said.

"Trust me. You'll regret it if you don't. It's part of being rich and famous."

"That must be an awkward conversation. 'Hey, I like you, but can you sign this before we kiss," Gar said. "Just go with someone who you trust."

"Someone who is a lover today can be an enemy tomorrow."

"Dude, you have serious trust issues when it comes to dating."

"Hey, I grew up with Batman. Most of his exs had tried to kill him at least once."

"Those must be interesting stories."

"Trust me; they're not, especially when you're running for your life."

"Well, I guess, I'm lucky to have Retra then."

"How are you two doing anyway?" Vic asked.

"We're doing-"

"Hey, I got the food." A female voiced interrupted him.

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