Calling Titans Part 2

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Retrea Cormack laughed at him. He would've laughed too if he wasn't trying so hard to impress her.

"Are you absolutely sure, my name 'Garfield Logan' is not on the list."

"Mr. Logan for the last time: it is not. If it was, I would have escorted you inside by now. Garfield is not a hard name to miss."

Retra laughed harder that the dig toward his name.

"Please, sir, take a seat. And wait like everyone else who didn't make a reservation."

He was going to say something else but his fiancée grabbed his attention.

"Gar," She called patting the seat beside her. Her blue eyes twinkled as he walked defeatedly towards her.

"It's alright." She kissed him on the cheek once he sat down. "I don't mind waiting when my handsome fiancé is waiting with me."

He rested his head on top of hers, which currently laid on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, bae. I wanted tonight to be perfect."

"It still is."

Even though she said that, he didn't feel that way. He had it planned to a T.

They were going to celebrate the opening of the new museum that Retra helped design. Afterwards, they were going to eat dinner at a famous restaurant on the East side of the city, before they went to their favorite amusement park. It was the place where they met years ago during the firework show.

But as fate would have it, they wouldn't make it to the amusement park all because they were waiting to eat at the restaurant.

He frowned and slouched down in his seat, causing Retra to shift.

"Gar," she grabbed his face with both of her hands so that he was facing her.

"I meant it. This is the best date ever." She gave him a small peck on the lips.

"You always say that." He whined.

"I always mean it too. Every new moment with you is better than the last one."

He relaxed a little at her words. She had a way of warming his heart. You would think after being together for five years, he would stop falling in love with her and just be in love.

But he continued to fall deeper in love with her every day.

It was maddening just as it was reassuring, and he enjoyed every moment of it. Each new moment with her opened up an untouched area in the chambers of his heart.

His only wish was that he didn't use those moments to compare her to Terra.

Over the years he learned not to. So much so, that he rarely did it. But there were moments that he couldn't separate Retra from Terra, and the memories of Terra from Retra.

Especially, when Retra did that thing he couldn't resist. The same thing that he couldn't resist with Terra.

"Are you sure that you didn't forget to call and make a reservation?"

"I am sure." His jaw twitched. "I asked-" Quickly, he grabbed his phone and open up the Titans app to call Cyborg.

"What is it?" Retra looked at him curiously.

"I asked Cyborg to make the reservation. I think he may have forgotten."

"Are you sure? It's not like him to forget something."

"Well, he has been busy lately."

"Hi, C. I can't talk now. I'm busy." His friend said proving his point. "I'll – shot."

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