Chapter 24

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I wake up and all I see is grey, the walls, the floor, grey so dull, so boring. I stand up and look around for a second. Where am I? What is this? I look around the possible hallways. Which do I pick? How do I know which one to pick? I decide to just start walking cause whatever this is, I have to find my way out.  I examine all the walls closely looking at how they're bonded together.

    The air is still and the only sound is my footsteps, it feels like the air is just settled around me, my breaths heavy. I feel like my chest is pounding and there's a lump in my throat. As questions and thoughts fill my head I push them away trying not to make myself panic. As I'm walking I start thinking about what happened with Maria, I mean I really trusted her.

               But really all along she was the enemy, she was the person I was supposed to be keeping secrets from, but instead she was the one I told everything to, I thought I knew her. She was the one who ratted out my many escapes and the reason all my plans failed. Suddenly I feel my face get hot with anger, I could have gotten out of here a long time ago but instead, she ruined all of that.

           I stop when I come to another crossroads, as I'm deciding which door to go through I feel something brush up against my back, I whip my head around, but no ones there, I turn back around to face the doors when I feel it again. I turned back around just as I had done before but no one was there.

         I hurriedly pick a door to go through and almost sprint towards it, after I get some way I turn around to face the area where those strange events happened. When I see a dark shadowy figure standing staring right at me. They suddenly spring in the other direction, disappearing from sight. I turn back around and walk fastly away so that if they do try to come after me maybe I can lose them.

    Hours pass and I neither hear nor see anymore of the mysterious figure, as I'm walking it feels as if my legs are going to give out but I continue, I can't stop, and I definitely can't sleep.  If I sleep there's no telling what could happen, that person could find me, or even worse. I continue walking, not stopping. My entire body hurts and I'm probably sleep deprived, but I don't care, I can not stop.

    As I'm walking I suddenly stop, because I start to hear a noise coming from around the corner. I slowly approach the corner, when it looks like I see someone peeking around it. When they suddenly come all the way around the corner, I'm surprised to be greeted by aubrey. She runs up to me and I give her a hug, as I let out a sigh of relief. I finally know that at least one other person is here with me.

    After she pulls away we talk for a minute before continuing walking. I can tell she's scared by the way she twiddles her fingers together. I decided not to say anything, it's none of my business what got her so worked up, I mean we only know each other as well as we do, because of being locked in here. We were only acquaintances  before being locked in here and honestly we hated each other, for the few times we saw each other.

    I mean I don't blame her, once me and her sister started dating, I guess I took time away from them spending time together, and now I realise what a jerk I was to her, I treated her like  a nuisance and that she was just the annoying younger sister. But now that I know her, I know she's more than that, she's funny, and cool. Im pulled out my thoughts as she was trying to start up a conversation.

    As we are walking we hear a loud banging sound, we both turn to look in the direction it's coming from, we see a figure in the distance, we turn the other direction and run. I grab Aubrey's arms pulling her along behind me.  Ut were stopped by another figure approaching us from the opposite direction, blocking us in.

    I look back and forth between the two figures, I have no idea what to do, they are much larger than us and definitely stronger. I hear Aubrey start to panic as they approach. Suddenly one of them grabs her from behind, I keep a hold of her arm as I feel someone grab me. I feel panic set in and my heart starts pounding. I feel Aubrey's arm start to slip away from me and I try to hold her tighter but it does not help.

    As her arms slip away from me the figure both take off in opposite directions taking us with them, they're trying to split us up. I try to fight back against the figure but as I do they're arms let go of me causing me to slam into a wall, everything goes black as I hear someone saying,

    "Oh no, no, this can't be happening" them out. I wake up a second later to the two figures yelling at each other just standing a few feet away, they haven't noticed I've woken up, as I'm laying there I try to make out facial features and body types but my vision I blurred, I look at the one on the left, he's tall and has muscles but not near like the other one, the one on the right is slightly shorter than the one on the left, he has a big build and looks as if he's complete muscle.

    That must be Jackson, and the one on the left must be Paige's father, a second later they look down at me then back at each other.

    "Hey kid, how many fingers am I holding up?" Paige's fathers kneels down to ask me.

    "T-three" I stammered hoping that was the correct answer he gets back up,

    "See he doesn't have a concussion" he says looking towards jackson

    "Really, you can't tell anything with that, you've just given us another problem to worry about!" he shouts back at him. "You know what, no this is your problem I'm going back to watch the others, you deal with this." Jackson says storming off. The other man looks from me to Jackson multiple times before actually moving.

    "Here to get up off the ground, kid" the man hoists me up to my feet, my head pounding. I turned back to look at the wall I had just fallen into, it was smeared with blood. My eyes went wide while looking at the wall. I had lost a lot of blood, was that why I was dizzy? I had lost too much blood or was it because I had hit my head so hard, maybe both. The man holds me standing up until I'm able to balance myself, I still can't see straight, everything is blurry.

    It will probably go away after a minute or two, I think to myself. The man lets go of me and I stumble over trying to stand back up, the man slowly backs away and as hes walking away it looks as if he turned back but I can't really tell,

    "Hey kid, you're not going through a fear room like everyone else, I think a concussion was enough for now, but don't think this means you're getting off easy. Your next fear room will be twice as bad," he says walking away. I stand there shocked,we have to go through fear rooms while being in here. I swear these people get sicker by the day. I walked towards the nearest doorway I saw but I ran into the door frame.

    I stumble back away from the door and then try to walk through it again, I make it through the door frame and try just following the hallways. I bump into the walla every few seconds, as I'm walking I hear a loud ear piercing scream, it hits me hard, the noise makes my ear drums pound and a sharp pain shoots through my head, something is definitely wrong.

    If it was something minor I wouldn't feel like this, I wouldn't  feel as if the whole world was coming to a crumble slowly and painfully. I decided to quit thinking about what this could possibly be. I try to the best of my abilities to run towards where the scream came from.  I run into walls as I'm going, making my head hurt more. When I finally reach the intersection where it seems to be that everyone else is standing, I see someone laying on the floor with a pool of blood around them, suddenly I feel my legs go weak and my vision goes from blurry to red.

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