Chapter 17

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   It's been a few days since Aubrey and Maria got back, Aubrey has gotten better but she's not the same. She didn't go silent like Bailey did but she's just gloomy and not as energetic as she used to be and I get it what happens in here can take a toll on you. Maria seems to be doing fine; she didn't have as much of an effect as Aubrey did. Maria came back worse the last time she did it, which is strange because we thought they were getting worse, but you never know what's going on in Jackson's head.

As we're sitting on the couch we hear the speaker come on. "Red and Aqua come through the doors" Matthew and I look at each other. That's the first time two people have been called out at the exact same time. We both stand up and my heart starts racing. What if this is like what happened with Liam that can't happen. I can't be responsible for Matthew going missing.

Once we get to the door he reaches his hand out and turns the door knob, his hands are shaking. I wonder what he thinks is going to happen once we get on the other side of the door. Jackson's mother grabbed me and the other man grabbed Matthew. They guide us to the fear room once we get in there they throw us on the floor as they always do. Matthew and I stand up quickly looking at the door while Jackson walks in and makes his way to the door that leads to the glass box.

"Look at you two waiting to see what I'll say" Jackson says laughing he turns to Matthew and says, "Now Matthew as discussed in your last fear room your fears have changed so today were going to make you go through that fear." Matthew's face drops, he looks at me terrified.

"W-what is it Matthew what's your fear" I ask. He looks at me then back at Jackson he opens his mouth to say something and the lights shut off. I reach out into the dark trying to find him.

"Matthew, where are you?" I yell out trying to find him.

"Paige, I'm right here just reach out for me." Matthew says his voice sounds close. I reach out and eventually I feel his hand touch mine. The room goes cold as he brings me into his embrace. He holds on to me not wanting to let go. The room gets so cold it's almost unbearable. I feel someone grab me from behind there strong, way stronger than me. They pull me away from Matthew.

"Paige, where are you? What happened?" Matthew yells. I try to say something back but the figure covers my mouth with their hand. I don't want to fight back for fear of what may happen. They had a hold of me and I couldn't do anything about it. This was the first time in a while that I've actually felt weak. I always imagined that I would be the strong one, the one who fights for everyone but right now I'm weak and all I want is to be back with Matthew. I feel the figure drag me to the far side of the room. The room is still freezing, my body shivers as the figure keeps a hold on me. 

"Paige please come back to me." Matthew yells his voice cracking he's in pain and I need to get to him. I swing my shoulder around to break free from the person holding me back once I get free I yell out to Matthew,

"Matthew I'm right here I'm coming." I say trying to calm him down. I make my way to the center of the room that's where he was before I reach out and eventually find him. He grabs my hand and pulls me to him, he holds on to me tighter than he did earlier. He keeps his arms around me holding as tight as he can, his breathing is heavy. After a few minutes the room starts getting hot. The lights cut on there so bright it's blinding. I look over at the glass where Jackson stands. He looks at me and laughs, he presses a button on the remote and the room gets brighter. I close my eyes but it still hurts.

"Hey hey we got this. We are going to be okay. We just gotta do this together.'' Matthew says I can tell he's hurting too but he's trying to be strong. He hasn't let go of me since I got back to him. The lights start to dim and the room cools down. We both look around waiting for the next part of it.

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