"I am.", I told him honestly. "We just arrived and I'm going up to my room right now."

"Alright, then I'm going to let you rest. Sleep tight, Tia. I'll text you soon. Love you.", he said and waited for my answer. 

"I love you too.", I said. "Bye." The phone call ended and I looked up. How long could these elevators possibly take to come down here and open their goddamn doors? I looked over to Julian, who was just standing there waiting, looking down on his phone once again. 

"Hi.", another voice suddenly said and I jumped a little. My face turned to the direction the voice came out off. 

"I'm sorry. I thought you saw me standing here.", the boy then added and I closed my eyes for a split second to calm down my heartbeat. 

"No, I did see you. I just- I don't know. I'm sorry.", I said and smiled. The boy smiled back shyly and a brown curly fell into his hair. With one swift motion, he pushed it back into place. That's when I recognised him. It was the boy I accidentally ran into, back at the circuit. He faced the floor now, following the lines of the white tiles that set up the floor with his eyes. He was wearing nothing team related, just black jeans and a white oversized hoodie. a plain black backpack hung loosely from his shoulders. I liked his style. It was pretty much the same thing I would go for when I didn't have to work. 

"I'm also sorry about before.", I added when he didn't say anything back. His eyes met mine again and he smiled. Surprise was written on his face.

"You remember me?", he asked unsurely and I nodded. Of course, I did. I ran into him like 45 minutes ago. How could you forget these weirdly coloured eyes? The same feeling grew inside of me, just like back at the circuit. I knew him from somewhere else, not just the circuit.

"Yes, of course.", I said and smiled at him friendly. He nodded, smiling to himself. A moment of silence hovered between us. "This might seem weird, but do you also, by any chance, stream on Twitch?" His eyes widened a little, but only for a moment. His face faced the floor for a moment before we made eye contact again. He was a shy person, I assumed. 

"Yes, I do. Why?", he asked back. 

"I think I saw a video of you when you were streaming.", I explained myself. One of the elevator's doors finally opened with a ding sound and we walked in together. Julian pressed the button for the seventh floor. 

"Was I talking about you and your show?", the boy asked me back and I nodded as an answer. He leaned over and managed to press the button of the eighth floor, even though Julian was kind of in the way and didn't make any motion to move aside. He was watching me and the boy closely. Talking about privacy... 

"Yes, you were.", I laughed and the boy's cheeks grew even redder. He was a little embarrassed before, I could tell, but now it wasn't a secret anymore. He was more than embarrassed. "But I thought it was cute. I mean, you talking so positively about me, even though you have never met me in person."

"Yea, you did?" I could see my words calmed him down a little and his eyes started to shine again just like before. He smiled brightly at me. Julian let out a breath. 

"I did.", I assured him once more. "So you're Lando, right?" I asked just to make sure I wasn't mistaken. My body leaned against the metal walls of the elevator.

"Yes, I am.", Lando answered me. "I'm sorry, that's so rude. I didn't even introduce myself."

"No, that's okay.", I said back quickly. "It's not like I've introduced myself either. I'm Tia. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand and he friendly shook it. 

"I know.", he mumbled and I laughed. "I mean, of course, I do. But it's my pleasure to meet you." He was so nervous, it was cute. I got it, though. Fifi was the same kind of person. They are shy and nervous at first when they meet new people, but once they feel comfortable around you, they are actually the most fun people. I never had difficulties meeting new people. It just came natural and felt really easy for me. But not all people were the same and that's good. That's what made people so interesting. I could also see Lando and me getting along really well. Once he opened up, I mean. 

All I know - Lando NorrisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum