Chapter 35

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"My name is Aurora and this is my brother Tristan. Come sit and we'll tell you all about the bastard who betrayed us. The same man who you are looking for." The red haired woman introduced herself, then sat on a wood log by the fire, her brother following her. Hope and Landon didn't move. Hope stood in front of Landon and Landon placed a hand on Hope's waist. "Fine, I'll tell you why you are so important to him." Aurora crossed her legs and straightened her posture as she looked at Hope. "Him, my brother and I are old friends." She chuckled. "We are nearly thousand year old vampires. I don't know what you heard, but two out of the five vampire sirelines were wiped out in the recent past, and we became worried that it could happen to us. So the three of us started to work on something special that could possibly sever our tie from our maker and make us stronger than an original vampire. We compelled the best scientists to work on a serum that would grant us true immortality, but they just couldn't figure out the last ingredient that would make us strong enough to even kill an original vampire. Then there were rumors about Klaus having a child... and not any child, but a true tribrid. Our scientists ran the simulations and they were convinced that your blood could be the answer for us, so we headed to New Orleans but when we found Klaus he was just a useless mess who had no idea where you were. So we befriended him, we thought he would be the first to know when his daughter would show up, but failures after failures and a lot of wasted time. Klaus knew nothing about you.

Then our friend betrayed us and when his witch sensed your presence a few years ago, he wanted you all for himself. He never told us he almost found you, we figured it out much later, so we split from him, and we don't want him to get his dirty hands on you... and me and my brother will share everything about that asshole with you. He was the one compelling a unit of soldiers to murder your parents and look for you and take you, leaving no one else alive. He wouldn't care about killing children, if your siblings were in his way, he wouldn't hesitate. He is a cold blooded sociopath... so you are lucky we found you first. And in exchange for all the information about him, we only need a little favor from you." Landon's grip on Hope's waist became tighter as Aurora told her story, while Tristan grabbed a bag from the ground and took out several plastic bags with sharp needles attached to them... empty blood bags. A shiver ran through Hope as she eyed the needles, and Landon grabbed her hand with his free hand. She squeezed his hand and it quickly calmed her. She was surprised how well she controlled her magic in a stressful situation like this. She was perfectly in control.

"You need my blood to make your super serum which would make you what exactly?" Hope asked in a completely collected tone.

"We will be superior vampires. Truly immortal, we won't have any vulnerability, we wouldn't belong to any sire line and we'd have a deadly venom which could even kill an original vampire... but not you darling, you'd be perfectly safe as the tribrid. And if our friend Lucien gets his hands on you, he won't let you go free, he won't allow a powerful being like yourself roam freely, and possibly get in his way. He wants to be the most powerful vampire that ever existed. Believe me, you don't want him to find you... you should be the one finding him. Otherwise it wouldn't end well for you." Aurora warned Hope as her brother sat quietly next to her with the blood bags.

"Are you intending to kill Klaus after this? Hope's father and his siblings?" Landon asked as he held onto Hope.

"I don't think you should be concerned about the Mikaelsons." Tristan spoke now. "If you don't get involved with them, then you won't have to worry about your own family." He looked at Hope with a vicious smile. "Little Jack and Riley would surely be disappointed if you'd care more about the Mikaelsons than about them."

"Don't you ever say their name!" Hope stepped forward, out of Landon's grasp and flashed her yellow wolf eyes at the vampires. It was a real mistake of him to threaten her siblings. They didn't have Hope's blood yet, they were merely normal vampires. Hope could just turn right now and tear them apart piece by piece.

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