Chapter 13

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Freya Mikaelson. Hope stood in front of her office door. She read some things about her in the books, Hope knew who she was. She was the firstborn Mikaelson, Eldest of seven children. Older sister to Klaus Mikaelson among others. But there was not too much about her. She read so many more stories about Klaus's other siblings, even about his other sister Rebekah, but not much about Freya. Hope was nervous. She wasn't even sure why. Grace said she was nice. She was a teacher in the school. If she was like her brother, Dr Saltzman wouldn't let her near kids. But she was still Klaus Mikaelson's sister... and there was a huge chance that Hope's parents were dead because of him... she had to be careful with this witch, she could be nice but Hope doubted she would turn against her own family... her own brother. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Hope heard the woman and she opened the door. Freya was sitting on an armchair, which was facing a couch. "Come, sit." She gestured toward the couch, so Hope walked there slowly and sat down. She looked nice, beautiful even. She had long blond hair and green eyes. She smiled at Hope. "My name is Freya Mikaelson, please call me Freya. How can I call you?"

"Umm... Hope... my name is Hope." Hope answered shyly.

"That's a beautiful name." She replied with a smile... a sad smile. Hope wondered what made her sad all of a sudden. "Umm.. would you like a cup of tea or a glass of water?" She asked politely as she was sipping on her tea.

"No, thank you." Hope replied nervously.

"Okay then... How are you adjusting to the school? You've been here for about a week now."

"Great." Hope tried to sound as convincing as it was possible.

"How do you enjoy your classes?"

"They are... great." Hope forced a smile.

"And how do you like your teachers, classmates? I know the wolves have several activities after classes. How do you enjoy the pack?"

""Yeah... it's"

"Let me guess, great?" Freya intervened with a smile. "You know, not everyone feels great after the first week. Many students feel like they don't belong here and they don't find their place right away... and that is totally normal." Freya said in a soothing tone, while Hope was staring at her own hands in her lap, picking on her paint stained fingers. "Tell me what you like in this school... if there's any." She chuckled and Hope smiled to herself, because honestly she never really tried to like anything. She didn't come here for herself. "Do you paint?" Freya asked after Hope didn't reply to her previous question. Hope then looked up in her eyes and tried to hide her hands with all the paint stain on it.

"Yes, but it's not something I started here in this school." Hope replied.

"Are you an artist?"

"I wouldn't go that far... I enjoy painting and I made some money out of it in the past so I guess I am not awful at it."

"Well, then you should definitely call yourself an artist. You know, I have a brother with similar talents... artists see the world in such a different light than the rest of us."

"I know you have a lot of brothers." Hope said and hoped she didn't just compare her to the evil brother who most likely killed Hope's parents.

"Hmm." She nodded. "And I know you have a big family too. I guess we are both the eldest of many."

"Yeah, I have two sisters and a brother."Hope said with a smile.

"Yes, I just talked to your sister, Grace. She looks up to you and appreciates you so much."

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