I need ideas

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Hallo everyone,

Recently I've been missing writing a lot. Now that university is done until fall and I'm only working part time while trying to spend more time with friends and family again (fully vaccinated btw), I'd love to write something again but I have no idea what....

I'd really appreciate if you could comment or private message me ideas of what you'd like me to write. Of course with credits, except if you would like to stay anonymous.

It can be Hosie, the actresses in real life (preferred Danielle), any kind of your name story or even something else. Alternative Universe ideas are also very welcome! Be my muse - PLEASE, I have no idea what to write!
I am NOT writing G!P and male reader!

Thanks again for everyone reading this and my other stories.

Getting notifications of people still reading and commenting on my stories means so much to me!

I hope everyone is healthy and doing well!

Please get vaccinated when you get the chance! I already have both of my Biontec/Pfizer shots!

Lots of love,


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