Chapter 4, Romance and butterflies

Start from the beginning

There was a square, blue, translucent container, and in the container, there was a note and £100. The note read:
Happy birthday Rye.
I can not believe you are 17 already. Almost an adult.
It feels as if you were only born yesterday.
Here's some money. Treat yourself, but spend it appropriately.
P.S. In the fridge, there's a huge muffin for you because I know what your brother is like.
Love mum

I looked over at mum with a huge smile on my face. She winked and smiled back. Keign was now sat on the sofa on his phone so I mouthed 'Thank you' and grabbed my muffin in a white container from the fridge.

I sat down at the table and was about to take a bite out of my muffin, when the doorbell rang.
Ugh! Can't I eat my breakfast in peace! I screamed internally.
I took it with me, peered through the peephole and gasped.

"Louis?" I said, as I opened the door.
He was wearing a navy blue button-up shirt and black jeans. He looked so handsome.

"Happy birthday." He said, handing me a bouquet of red roses.

"Thank you, they're lovely." I smiled.
"What are you doing here so early? I'm still in my pyjamas." I said, crossing my arms over my mickey mouse pyjamas, self-consciously.

"Thought I'd surprise you." He pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled.
"Um Lou, I would let you in, but I haven't told my mum about us yet."
"Oh ok."
"Just wait in your car, I'll be quick."

"Ok, tell Keign I said happy birthday." He said.
"I will."
"Wait. Are we going somewhere?"

"Yeah. Its a surprise." Louis said.
"Okay." I smiled.
"One question though."


"Do I need my swimsuit?"
He mimed zipping his mouth shut and smirked at me.

"Gotcha." I closed the door behind me and sprinted up to my bedroom.
All in the space of 20 minutes, I: packed a swim bag, ate my muffin, showered and put on my black denim dungarees with a white shirt. I finished my outfit off by tying my black and white bandana in a bow around my head. Then I told mum I was going out with my friend, before hurrying back downstairs.
"Louis said happy birthday, by the way Keign." I said, while I tied my shoe laces.
"Tell him I said thanks."

I grabbed my keys hanging by the door, ready to leave the house.
"Wait, where you are you going?"
"Out with Louis." I said.
"Again?! Its our birthday!" he groaned.
"Yeah, but you're going out with Jackson later anyway."
I opened the door and was about to step out, when Keign got up and ran to the door, stopping it from closing.
"Wait, Rye?"
"Yeah!" I groaned. At this point, I was so eager to find out what Louis had planned, that I felt as if I was going to explode with excitement.

"What are you on about?"
"Did you not learn this at school? Practice safe sex." He said. Way to loudly for my liking.
"What! I haven't even...."
"Don't. A twin just knows, okay." He said.
"Here." He grabbed a condom out of his pocket and slipped it in the front pouch of my dungarees.
"If he doesn't wear this, he will have to deal with me."
"O...kay." I said, befuddled.

"Wait, why do you have a.....
He spun me around by my shoulders and began to push me towards Louis' car.

"Look, Louis is waiting for you."
"You better go." Keign rushed me.
From the way he tried to change the subject, I'm pretty sure I know the answer. I just didn't want to believe it.

I got in and waved at Keign, as he ran back in the house.

"That was fast." Louis said.
"Yep, I'm excited."
"What was that all about?" he asked.
"Huh?" I said, as I buckled my seatbelt.
"You and Keign."

"Oh, nothing, just Keign being Keign."
"Can we go now?" I said eagerly.
"Sure." he laughed, "Let's go."

He drove me 2 hours away to Central London in his black Audi.
I loved his car. The seats were really comfy and it just smelled a lot like Louis. Sweet and familiar.
I was sat in the front seat next to him, with the window all the way down and my head leaning out of it. Feeling the cool wind whip past my face as he drove.
Louis had his free hand resting in the middle next to mine. Close, but not quite touching.
I felt his finger lightly tap my knuckle and it made me jump.

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