There was still that confidence there, but Harry could see the hints of nerves all over. From the way her hand squeezed his just a little, the lack of eye contact, the spattering of blush underneath her freckles.

If Jane was feeling nervous, then Harry was overflowing with the emotion. He couldn't believe the luck of it - even after the end of something that was so tragic and awful, there was still something so positive and full of hope. 

She liked him back.

Harry supposed he had already had a tiny inkling that she did. Just perhaps from all the teasing, kisses on cheeks and all the time they were spending together - maybe he had figured it out. He couldn't believe it really, the good fortune of his crush liking him back. 

And his crush was none other than Jane. Jane Everleigh who had manged to make what had promised to be the shittiest summer of his life into a daydream, who was so kind and understanding, who loved books and cats and lived in Adley Manor. Jane, who wore summer dresses and wore flowers in her hair, who pierced his ears and gave him a necklace, who happily would help him with anything and didn't mind showing him her room or leaning on his lap as she read.

The girl who had offered him half of her lunch the first time they met, who had taken him on walks and exploring the area outside of Little Whinging - who had taken him to a nearby town and knew that his favourite dessert was treacle tart and taught him to dance whilst they were supposed to be setting up for the garden. 

Who thought she was so plain and ordinary because of something that should never happen to anyone, someone who - in the eyes of others - was so perfect and unique and so utterly beautiful.

Jane had done so much for him, it only made sense for him to fall for her just a little bit.

He thanked his lucky stars - the same ones that he had thanked after surviving attack after attack from Voldemort and thanked for letting him go to Hogwarts - that she liked him back. 

"And if I don't manage to find one?" Harry said something, realising that he most likely been staring at her for a good while now. In reality it was only a few, prolonged seconds, but the shock was bound to last a lifetime. 

Another thing he was lucky for - not being a stuttering mess. That must be some of his dad coming through, according to what Sirius had said. 

"If you find a four-leafed clover, I'll kiss you." Jane repeated, a lot more comfortable and confident with her words now that she knew that Harry wasn't going to outright reject her and ruin their suummer plans. 

Harry's eyes dropped to the trodden grass path they were walking walking on, looking up when he heard a laugh. "Not now, idiot." Jane smiled, holding his hand just a little tighter and pulling him forward. "I've got to walk you home now, and I can't wait around for you to find one."

"Does it have to be real?" Harry let her drag him along, feet moving mechanically until he took control. His mind was moving towards the hat covered in the tiny green plants from where he supported Ireland at the Quidditch World Cup Final. 

"Depends on what you present me with." Jane mused. "But I guess you'll find out eventually." 

Harry grinned, still trying to find loopholes until they reached Privet Drive. He wouldn't allow her to come all the way down to the house just in case Dudley was waiting to ambush him, and instead left her by the cat, feeding it the prawns. 

The sun was burning orange now, and Harry stepped foot onto the drive of the Dursleys' house. He glanced back, smiling when he saw her still crouched by the cat, which was now licking her fingers. As if she could sense him looking, her head tilted upwards, catching his eye. 

He lifted her hand in a wave, getting the action returned. And Harry pushed open the door into Number 4 Privet Drive with a smile bigger than anything that Vernon or Petunia had ever seen, the couple staring in shock as Harry walked up the stairs to his room, shutting the door behind him.

He was lucky he was yet to send the letter to Sirius; he needed to add a note to the end.

sorry i promised myself
i wouldn't have any more of
these notes but should this fic
end or should it like continue
through other books as well?

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