"Come on Jack. I can't keep walking for the both of us and I can't fly" I shook him, "Wake up!" I sighed. I saw a car heading down the road and I flagged it down. It slowed to a stop in front of us and I couldn't see who was in it,

"Need some help?" A woman called from the driver's seat,

"I haven't been able to wake him" The woman got out and came over to us. She laid him flat on the ground and listened to his chest. I got a better look at the uniform she wore. She was a sheriff's station employee at least but I didn't know from where. She sat up again,

"Well he's still breathing. What happened to him?" I shook my head,

"I don't know. I think he hit his head" The woman looked at me and gave a smile,

"Relax, I'll give you both a lift and get him to a hospital, maybe they can figure it out" I nodded, "What's your name?"


"Hi Grace. I'm Jody" I looked down at Jack,

"Is he going to be ok?" It's a genuine question since I couldn't tell myself,

"I'm sure whatever is wrong, the doctors will figure it out" She reached out and took my arm. I shot my arm out of her grasp and held it. It was still bleeding and still hurt when touched. She realised and stopped smiling, "How did you two get out here?" I didn't have an answer for that. I tried to think of one quickly and really came up blank. She seemed to forget about an answer and looked around us before ushering me to follow her. She dragged Jack and put him in the back of her car and I sat in the front, still holding my arm. I was quiet. She started driving, turning in the middle of the road, "Do you know where you are?" She asked. I cringed at the question because I don't. I think she thinks we're kidnapped,

"No" I had to answer. That sounds bad. She just nodded,

"I'll get you two to a hospital to get looked at then we'll head to the station once you're able" The rest of the ride was tense and I was just glad to get to the hospital. I helped her carry Jack in and as soon as we entered the doors, she raised her voice, "I need some help here" She called to the staff. Two staff immediately ran up and took him off us, "Possible head injury, unresponsive when I found him"

"How long has he been unresponsive?" One asked, Jody looked at me,

"All night" I said. They took him away and Jody led me to the counter,

"This is Grace" She said to the woman behind the desk, "Her and her friend were on the side of the road when I found them"

"You're bleeding" The woman nodded to the arm I was still holding, "Come on back, I'll get you some stitches for that" That wouldn't be necessary. I would heal from it eventually but I didn't want to say any more worrying things,

"Can I call my dad?" I looked to Jody. She nodded and handed me her phone. I knew the number. Well, not my dad's number since he never picks up his phone. My best bet was Sam. I dialled and it got answered very quickly,

"Jody, hey, you alright?" I paused and looked at the caller ID. She had Sam's number saved in her phone already, "Jody?" I heard him say when I took too long to answer,

"Sam?" There was a pause where I'm assuming he did the same as me,

"Grace, are you alright?" I nodded,

"I'm fine. Jack won't wake up though. He's in hospital"

"How did you know Jody?"

"How do you? She a hunter?"

"Let me talk with her" I took the phone away from my ear and walked over to Jody, a lot less timid now that I know she knows us. Jody didn't noticed the ID and took the phone,

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