Yoongi clenched his fist tightly "But at least, I'm not like you. I eventually told Jimin the truth"

"Because you knew Jimin was too kind for his own good and that he would easily forgive you."

Yoongi scoffed in disbelief. "But does this give you any excuse to cheat on me?"

"I did not cheat on you!" Jungkook retorted.

Yoongi smiled dangerously. "Really? Those other pictures prove other wise"

Jungkook picked the pictures that scattered to the ground and peered into them.

"What were you doing at his house early that morning?" Yoongi asked.

"This doesn't prove anything"

"Answer me or I swear to God..."

Jungkook was frightened by that burst of anger so he swallowed hard.

"I only went to visit him to offer him my friendship" he lied.

Yoongi laughed sarcastically as though he didn't believe a single word.

"Friendship? Do I look like a kid to you? You think you can decieve me with those lies?"

"Do you think I don't notice that you have feelings for him? The way you stare at him? The way you talk about him?"

Yoongi nodded his head. "Fine I'll just pretend to believe that you and Taehyung really have nothing to do with each other"

He started to leave and Jungkook panicked. "Where are you going?"

"I'm off to my room but I'm going to solve this little problem. I'll make sure you don't get to have anything to do with him ever again"

Then he paused and eyed him. "As for having an affair with you while I was still engaged to Jimin, I'm really starting to regret it now. I wish...I never did that"

After saying that, he left the room. Jungkook's emotions was all over the place. He needed to let it all out so he started throwing things around, turning his entire room upside down. When he had calmed down, he cried both from anger and confusion. He had no idea what to do. His young marriage was already suffering and from Taehyung's side, things didn't look good either. Yoongi was even regretting leaving Jimin for him.

Jimin! The center of it all. If Jimin wasn't around, Taehyung wouldn't have fallen for him and Yoongi wouldn't be comparing them. Right from the minute, he stepped into the Park Mansion, Jimin had been nothing but a thorn in his flesh and even years later, he still was.

Jimin, Taehyung with Yeontan left the settlement early the next morning. Taehyung convinced Jimin to follow him to his house so they could get changed together before taking him to the hospital. After some persuasions, Jimin agreed and they headed out together but when they arrived, they were shocked to find Yoongi waiting in front of the house. Beside him was Hoseok and there was a strange aura coming from Yoongi. It was suffocatingly unpleasant.

Taehyung parked the car in front of the house. When they got down, he instructed Yeontan to get inside. He didn't know why but he had a feeling Yoongi didn't come here for a courtesy visit.

He watched Jimin greet Yoongi but the latter didn't react. He gave eye signal to Hoseok but the other seemed confused as well so he put up a big smile.

"Brother in law...what brings you to my humble home"

"Save your speech" Yoongi said. Taehyung was taken aback.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin whispered looking shocked by his rude behavior.

Yoongi slowly came closer to Taehyung looking him in the eye.

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