You nod, "Yeah I got your cheesecake so let's just head out. I can drive us home." Yoongi has been staying at the dorms so you know that he's not brought his car with him. He nods and you both make your way out, walking towards your car. The ride back home was pretty much silent with just the radio playing on a low volume. You are lost in your thoughts, both curious about what he has to say and dreading it at the same time. You can tell that he too, is deep in thought. You want to ask him what he wants to say right now but you know it's not the right timing. You know it's better to wait till you reach home. However, one thing that you noticed today as well was that he was acting a bit different. He smiled at you a lot and held the door open for you when you were exiting the bakery. Weirdly, it feels like he's being normal. The normal you wanted so badly all this time. But you don't want to get your hopes up. You don't want to think that he's coming back to you just because he smiled at you. No matter what, you can't trust him again. He changed you as a person twice. Once when he loved you and once when he told you he loved another woman. 

You try to shake the thoughts out of your head and that's when you realise that you've almost reached home. The sinking feeling of anxiety deepens in the pit of your stomach and you take a deep breath as you park the car. Yoongi seems to notice your odd behaviour as he questions, "Y/N, you okay?" to which you reply with a nod and a "Yeah." which comes out as a whisper almost. Even if he wants to, he doesn't push the topic. You both get out of the car and head towards the entrance of your home. You unlock the door and open it to find a few mails on the floor. You pick them up and take them inside with you placing them on the dining table and going in the kitchen to make coffee. 

You keep your bag aside and turn around to find that Yoongi has already made himself comfortable on the couch in your living room. You call out his name and when he enters the kitchen you ask him what would he like. Though you know that he'd like a hot black coffee with his slice of cheesecake, you still ask him because god knows what has changed in the last few months. Turns out he still likes the same thing you had thought of. So, you brew his coffee while you make your own vanilla iced coffee. Once you're done, Yoongi helps you set everything on the dining table. 

You both sit down across from each other at the table. Nervous about the conversation, you begin to pick at your lemon tart. At first, Yoongi continues to eat his cheesecake silently. His eyebrows furrowed as if he's still deep in thought, his face depicting how his mind is in an ongoing conflict between two sides. Neither of which you know. After what seems like ages, you decide to put an end to the tension by speaking up, "So, what did you want to talk to me about?" You ask him, nerves evident in your voice because of how slowly and carefully you put your words out. He exhales loudly before looking up. Your heart starts to beat faster when he looks you right in the eye. He begins, "I wanted to say I'm sorry." His statement leaves you slightly bewildered. 

"Sorry about what?" You ask. Even though you try to stop it, you can't help the bitter chuckle that leaves your mouth along with the question. His expression changes into one of hurt for just a second before it's back to normal. He knows he deserves your resentment. He seems visibly shaken about whatever it is that he's going to say to you. He continues, "I know I have more than a thousand things to apologise for. I'll begin by saying how sorry I am about the night at the pizzeria. I am truly very sorry. I know it was a dick move to take her to the place that used to be our spot. I am not going to try and explain myself because I know giving excuses won't fix anything. It was very insensitive on my part. I am sorry." His apology just leaves you more confused than ever. Why is he acting like this? Like he cares? You don't know what else to say so you ask him exactly that. 

He sighs and says, "I know I have been the worst person alive lately and I know I have been so shitty at showing it but I do care about you. I know I've put you through hell and I hate that." You actually laugh out loud at that. You don't even wanna look at him right now. You laugh, "You care about me? Please, Yoongi if you wanted to play a prank on someone you could've just chosen one of the boys. Why are you putting me through this? Haven't you done enough already?" He winces at the venom that is dripping down the tone of your words. 

He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off, "I told you that I'm going to try and be civil with you for our daughter's sake so please stop with this bullshit already. Okay, you're sorry but I don't want to hear it. Good that you're here, we can go through the bills for this month. We need to figure out how that's going to work from now on too." You pick up the mails that are still lying on the corner of the dining table. 

Yoongi stays silent, knowing you don't want to hear. Not like he has anything else to say either. He knows he can't tell you what is actually going through his mind. You place the pile of mails in front of you and you both start going through them, discussing the expenses. Yoongi might be a billionaire but you've made it clear since day one that the bills are going to be split between the two of you so you've made it a habit to discuss upon theme every month. While going through them, Yoongi picks up a yellow envelope and opens it. He unfolds the paper and reads what's on it. His eyes widen and his skin turns even paler than it already is. He looks like he's seen a ghost. You notice it and ask him what's wrong. When he doesn't reply you try to take the paper out of his hands to see what it is matter. He realises what is happening and tries to stop you but it's too late. You already have it in your hands. You look at Yoongi and then at the paper. 

"Y/N listen-" He tries to say but it's too late. Your heart stops when you read what's written on the paper. The title says "Petition for dissolution of marriage". 

Divorce papers. 



Early update to make up for the delay last time hehe

Hope you guys enjoy it!!

Please vote and comment. 

Cherry. xxx

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