So that's How it All Started...

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It was another peaceful day, you and Michiru we're out having a good day. You both had fun laughed a lot and overall felt really good. The day went on and as the sun began to set you and Michiru watched it from the co op buildings roof. You both looked at each other's eye and blushed as you closed your lips together for a kiss...
But before you could... Everything changed...
The beautiful sky was now replaced with dark clouds, the patches that still showed the sky showed a blood red one. Looking around you noticed you were now no longer at the building with Michiru gone. Instead you found yourself inside of a storage area near the port alone. You continued to look around until you heard a dripping noise, turning around to find it's source, you felt your blood run cold at what you saw...
Michiru... Impaled by her stomach... by a monster...
Before you scream, you wake up in a cold sweat breathing heavily after the amount of fear you had still forced your heart to race.

Michiru: (Y/n)!? (Y/n)? Are you ok? You were moving around in your sleep, sweating and breathing hard... Are you ok?

(Y/n): Michiru..?

You turned to face her as she hugged you helping you to calm down. You returned the hug and held her tight, glad that what you saw was only a dream. Yet you couldnt shake the fact that the nightmare seemed so... Real... Michiru seeing you still slightly scared gave you a kiss, as she hugged you tight.

Michiru: It's ok (Y/n)... I'm here.

(Y/n): Michiru... Thank you...

Michiru: What happened? What kind of nightmare were you having to act like that?

(Y/n): . . . I-its fine, it was just a dream, don't worry about it alright?

Michiru: O-okay, but still... I'm here if you need to  talk to someone ok?

(Y/n): Yeah... Thanks Michiru...

Michiru: Remember, i love you (Y/n)...

(Y/n): I love you too Michiru... Thanks.

As you share a sweet kiss, you both lay back down to sleep as you hold Michiru tight still frightened by the nightmare.

The next morning Shirou sat in his room, but as he sat his mind wandered to a memory. His memory showed a blood red sky with destroyed buildings all around. In the middle of the wreckage laid piles of corpses... Beastman corpses with one kneeled down arrows on their back as they went savage with eyes red of anger. As he snapped back to reality he only thought about the memory, holding the leather collar around his neck.

At mayor rose office...

Rose: Yes, I felt we had no choice but to accept the Church.

Mayor rose was having a conversation with Alan Sylvasta regarding the current situation with the Church of Silver Wolf.

Sylvasta: I can understand that. After the frenzy that the crowd flew into, not recognizing the Church have led to a riot. My life was saved as well. There's no way that I could object. But I didn't expect that there would be so many of them.

Rose: Currently, our rough estimate is that there are 5,000 of them. We're splitting them up and getting them settled all over Animacity.

Sylvasta: You've sure got it hard, Mayor. Anyway, hand in there.

Alan hangs up, as he now converses with a scientist.

Sylvasta: What's the situation?

Scientist: We've stabilized the deactivation of beast deoxyribonucleic acid. We're almost there.

BNA (Brand New Animal) Not So Human (Michiru x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now