Dolphin Daydream

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It was the next day you and Michiru were in your room as Michiru tried to turn into human form. Before she began you plopped a leaf on her head remembering japan folklore of leaves being used to aid in shape shifting especially for tanukis. Michiru then proceeds to focus and try to turn back, she thinks back to when she extended her arms and tries to make her body human again. And with a determined jump Michiru does a near perfect backflip that ended with her landing on her bum. No luck despite having tried numerous times she still cant turn back.

Michiru: Maaan, why isn't it working?

Melissa: What are you doing?

(Y/n): Oh hi Melissa, Michiru is trying to turn back into her human form but so far she hasn't had any luck.

Melissa: My you really are strange, Michiru.

(Y/n): I guess you can call her a kookie tanuki.

Michiru: Really (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hahaha sorry couldn't help it.

Michiru: Hmph... *Snickers then Chuckles* Ok even i have to admit that was a good one.

Melissa: My you two sure are good friends huh?

(Y/n): Yeah you can say that.

Melissa: Oh and about what i came here for, you both got a call from city hall.

Both: Hm?

After you got ready you both made it to city hall to attend the important meeting they scheduled. The mayor had called you both in to thank you for your aid in the bombing incident. When you arrived she handed you both important documents that you needed.

Mayor: Those are your Residential Certificates and Health Insurance cards. I noticed they hadn't been processed yet so i took the liberty to do them for you as a thanks for the Medi-Cen incident. Also for your certificate i set your beastman species as tanuki if thats ok with you (Y/n).

(Y/n): Right it's ok with me Mayor, thank you.

Michiru: Yeah, thank you Mayor Rosé.

Mayor: Please call me Rosé. And with these you two are now official residents of Anima-City. Welcome to the beastman metropolis.

Michiru: Right...

You notice Michiru had a uncertain face as if she didn't know how to feel about that. You pat her head and smile reassuring her it's all good as she does too. Soon Michiru remembers something and proceeds to pull her phone out.

Michiru: Oh right here. You can have this back.

Rosé: You can keep it.

Michiru: But it doesn't work. It doesn't connect to the outside worlds internet and no matter what i do it only shows the City Hall website.

Koichi: That's correct, according to the Special Beastman District Provision. Access to human news is restricted to all in Anima-City.

(Y/n): Your kidding right? That's a load of bull.

Rosé: Michiru, this is a good opportunity for you to learn somethings.

A screen lowers from the roof behind you two which turns on to reveal a evolution tree of humans and beastmen.

Rosé: Beastmen or beast humans, are a separate species to homo sapiens. Due to a special Dna, Beast Deoxyribonucleic Acid, they can morph their bodies. In ancient times they mimicked the animal deities that each of the different human tribes worshipped. They wanted to become like gods.

Michiru: Oh.

Rosé: But the specific animal they can turn into is determined by their ancestors. When they cross-marry the child will only receive one of the parents genes. So in this case if a lion and a tiger had a child only a lion or tiger cub will be born there will be no liger. For a human who doesn't carry Beast Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Suddenly turning into a beast man is-

BNA (Brand New Animal) Not So Human (Michiru x Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt