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Hello to all my fellow readers, followers, and fans of 'Always and Forever'!

It's been a few years...atleast 5 or 6 years since I finished this book. It was well received and many people enjoyed reading this book. Writing this book got me through a lot of tough times in my life when I was unemployed but once I started working, unfortunately I didn't get much time to read or write.

However, over the years, I'd always glance over notifications on wattpad and would see readers still continue to vote and comment on my book. I can't thank you all enough for showing your continued support and for taking this book from a few thousand reads all the way to 194K reads!

Most importantly, I still see readers comment and message me to work on the sequel which I had started shortly after finishing this book and I tried to get a plot going but with work and life moving faster than I could keep up, I was just not able to continue writing.

That is...until now :)

Over the last week or so, I started reading 'Always and Forever' again and it got me brainstorming new ideas on how I can give back to my readers and followers with a sequel that was promised (and long overdue). I am excited to announce that I will be actively and regularly working on the sequel 'Forever By Your Side'.

I've got a few ideas outlined for the sequel and will start writing this week. At this point, I am not sure how long the sequel will be but you can expect atleast ten chapters, if not more. I still watch WWE every now and again and have noticed many new divas and superstars on the roster but I haven't closely followed their storylines, if at all. Thus, the new sequel will still be set around the same time as the first book, which was around the time when "The Shield" had broken up (I still miss that team). So please bear with me on that but you can be sure to get plenty of Roman, Kiran, and friends!

In the meantime, if anyone would like to reread 'Always and Forever' to refresh their memory, that would be a great way to transition into the new sequel 'Forever By Your Side'. You may see some "updates" or "notifications" happening on this book (A&F) - it will ONLY be edits to spelling and grammar mistakes, NO new content.

Once again I would like to thank everyone for showing their support and I hope to see some familiar readers in the comments section of the next sequel!

Thank you!

~ Ambrose_Asylum

A few special thanks for always rocking in the comments of A&F (I tried to tag more but WP wouldn't let me but I still see y'all) :



DrippinFinesse Ambrolleigns_Asylum

Pookie911 Marvel_fanfiction_07

stephreigns tamia_henry_ Nydimples


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