~ Prologue ~

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Destiny stared at the trail of dirt and fume that the Honda had left behind in JC's mad rush to get to South Central where his baby mama, Candace was waiting for him.

She hissed at the thought of Candace's loudmouthed self. The girl was not in Destiny's good books, seeing as how she always made it a point to be known that as the mother of JC's child she would always come first.

Making her way to the porch she ignored the prying eyes of Miss Macy, the next door neighbour who had made her way outside under the front of tending to her azaleas, whilst her and JC had been having their little chat.

The lady was literally Brencape's Nancy Drew.

"Don't you know that you're to always say good afternoon to your elders, young lady?" she drawled, adjusting the glasses on her nose bridge.

"Good evening, Miss Macy," Destiny released as she rolled her eyes internally.

"Mmm hmm, that darn boy got you feeling grown," her neighbour could be heard quipping as the door was being closed.

"Don't you know that you're supposed to say good -" Destiny's mimicking of her neighbour was cut short as she tripped over something soft and squishy.

She glanced down at the cat that had suddenly sprung to its feet mewling in pain.

"Stupid cat."

Flopping down on the living room sofa, Destiny glanced around the room. It was a mess. The kids' shoes from soccer practice were strewn around on the floor and the room stank of Justice's smelly feet.

Eww, she thought, clamping a hand over her nose as she caught a whiff of the scent.

With as much willpower as she could, she hauled ass and began cleaning the place. The thought of her mom coming home and seeing such a mess was all the motivation she needed.

Her mom would really kill her if she knew that she had been speaking to JC that afternoon. She really did not like that boy, not one bit.

The more she thought about it herself, she was really beginning to become bugged out by JC's confusing ass.

Ugh. just thinking about it made her head hurt.

There was a loud bang as the front door was opened and closed.

"Yo yo yo, DJ Rah is in the building." Rah practically screamed at the top of his voice, flashing a peace sign once he came into sight.

Destiny winced in pain at the sudden noise.

"Could you please stop with the all of that?" she whined, rubbing her temples.

She was flashed a smile that showcased such pearly white teeth, that she finally understood why all those girls up at Denver were acting all cray-cray for her fool of a cousin.

"Don't hate, I'm just practicing for tonight."

"What's happening tonight?" She questioned, trailing behind her cousin who had moved into the kitchen.

There was a long pause as Rah gulped down the bottle of water that he'd retrieved from the fridge, releasing a sound of content after the bottle was removed from his lips.

"Just tell me already," she snapped impatiently when he proceeded to make a show of dumping the bottle in the trash can.

"Woohoo!" Rah screamed in mock triumph as it fell into the can, jabbing his fists in the air and wiggling his butt around in his stupid attempt at dancing.

"Oh my god, you are so embarrassing," she facepalmed.

"That I know."

"So where will you be going tonight, I already presume that its a party but exactly where and being held by whom?" Destiny questioned, a hand on her hip as she grinned, "I wouldn't want anything happening to my dear cousin without me knowing where he'll be, so just tell me already."

"Oh shut up, like you care," he let out, shifting the baseball cap on his head, "It's a whole hush hush thing, so no telling Brianna, you know how that girl loves to talk."

"Okay, fine I won't," Rah's fixed stare prompted her to release.

After a long silence he finally continued, "So you know how that new place down at Southamp opened a week a go?" he said, continuing when she nodded, "Yeah, well there's a club beneath that."

"What's so secretive about that?" Destiny asked scrunching her eyebrows in confusion.

"I've heard that it's a lot of drug dealing that goes on down in that club and who knows what else they do." Rah let out, gesturing wildly, "So you see, I don't want you anywhere near that place."

At that Destiny glanced at him chidingly from the corner of her eyes, "I know for sure that I won't be caught dead near that place, but aren't you the one who is gonna be there on a nightly basis?"

"Why are you even working there?" she asked suddenly, as if an afterthought.

"I need the money, plus you ain't even got to worry. Cause I got it on me, I said I got it on me," Rah assured her, singing the last bit as he made his way to the bathroom, presumably to begin his evening routine of shit, shower and shave.

As Destiny went to pick up the stuff that were strewn about the room, the smell of a dirty pair of the most rattiest socks that she had ever seen had almost caused her to keel over.

Destiny's face was twisted in disgust as she threw her head back and cried out, "Justice!"

• • •

Heyy, welcome to Destiny's crazy world.

This is a tumultuous journey filled with lots of ups and downs that I'm gonna bring you on here, so saddle up and get ready for the ride ! 😜🤍

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