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Suzuki Iruma has always been such a kind-hearted boy.

Whether he is asked for help or not, even if the request was unreasonable, he will willingly do anything without complaint.

The sole reason for this was because of his upbringing. Specifically, the carelessness and negligence of his horrible deadbeat parents.

Even when he has barely even learned to walk at the age of one, Iruma made his way into the world.

And this resulted in him finding it hard to deny a request from anyone.

But even though he is living this way, Iruma can never hate his parents as he truly is a kind person.

He cannot say the feeling he holds for them is love either as the only love he had come know was from his older brother.


Belphegor, who much preferred to be called Belphie, was far different from his brother.

Unlike his brother, he does not accept every request that came his way.

He is known to be a lazy person who sleeps at any time and anywhere he wants. He did not like to obey repugnant rules and is quite rude to people he does not like especially his 'parents'.

He loathes the way their parents use him and Iruma as tools to gain money and work for them.

This is why he hates... Hated... Hate- he doesn't even know anymore.

His view on humankind indeed had changed after being with Yuki and them helping him see that not all humans were that bad.

Though, after being reborn into one and seeing how scummy his parents are, the thought of being born to these fools just makes him gag, just brings back the bitter taste of resentment he had towards the selfish creatures known as humans.

Even so, it seems that he'll just have to suck it up and tolerate these morons and keep an eye out for his brother that really needs to learn how to say the word 'No'.


When Belphie came to this world, he was confused, frightened, and completely horrified to find out about his rebirth.

He doesn't know if what happened to him was supposed to happen at all.

He knew he had died. He had felt it after all.

It was like as if chord had snapped and he fell into an abyss of nothingness.

But for some reason, no matter how hard he tries to recall the circumstances of his death, he couldn't remember a single thing.

He tried so hard, for so long, to deny it but he couldn't.

He died and that's that.

He could never come back to his life before.

He could remember everything from when they were still in the Celestial Realm up to the days of the student exchange program and even after that.

But he couldn't remember how he ceased to exist in the other world.

And it terrified him.

It terrified him to know that he might never see his brothers again.

It terrified him to think about how he would be alone.

Until he found out he wasn't.


His human parents were absolute idiots.

Belphie concluded.

Who forgets to feed their child? These idiots apparently.

Did they have the qualifications to have a child?

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