Patching things up (Ch. 15)

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Mei: "Outside."

Y/N: "They won't be there for long. When was that taken?"

Mei: "A few minutes ago."

Y/N: "Alright."

I grabbed my keys on her desk and walked out the door with her drone in hand. Sprint to my car and sped out onto the road, narrowly missing one of the oncoming cars. I looked up at the city. Mei had gotten an apartment near the beach.

Jumping a traffic light, I parked the car near a construction site and was thankful their break was on. Walking over to the boot, I opened it up. To anyone else in the world, it would like a regular boot. Except, when I lifted the compartment for the tire, inside were hand-guns magazines, even one or two grenades.

Picking one of the unprepared rifles and scope, my hand grabbed one of the masks and placed it in my pocket. I stepped onto an elevator and opened the drone, letting it fly as I put an earpiece in and start assembling the rifle as we hit the top floor.

Y/N: "Mei?"

Mei: "I can hear you. The good news is no one is on the top."

Y/N: "But this is as close as I can get to controlling the drone without you taking control."

I cocked the magazine in and walked to the edge of the unprepared floor, ducking under some bags of cement and slowed my breathing down.

Mei: "Can you see him?"

Y/N: "Yes, now... Quiet."

She didn't answer as I zoomed into my target. I was cutting it short. A waitress had just handed him the bill.

Y/N: 'Like Michael said... Aim in the circle... Aim in the circle and only in the circle.'

Mr Carlos stood up then a bullet struck him in the chest. His men spun around expecting to see the attackers as a second bullet is fired, this time taking out his friend and another bodyguard as they pulled their employer out of the hot zone.

They fired rounds into the air as I stepped back and took the elevator down, disassembling the rifle in seconds. I placed them into the back of the boot and started the car as my earpiece caught a frequency.

Mei: "That's the guards, their calling for back up on your position."

Y/N: "Then I best get out of here."

I took the down road and headed for the peer. Leaving it there until night to make sure they can't trace it and caught a taxi back to

[Time Skip]

Y/N: "You don't need to do this if you don't want to?"

Izzy: "Are you crazy... I'm at the beach with my best bud. Besides I missed you too."

I turn back to see Izzy parking beside me with a girl in his car, along with a surfboard hanging in the back. Izzy's just killed the engine, stepping out of his car with his board shorts and top.

Y/N: "You're sure you don't want to come to the beach with us, Franklin? We've got a little group here, and you won't even be the only brother on the beach too."

Franklin: "I'm a little tied up at the moment."

I heard a feminine voice on the other end, and I snickered as Franklin says 'It's a cool baby walk in.'

Y/N: "Well, I guess you're busy then... Later dude."

He hangs up, and I turn to Izzy as he gives me a cooler box filled with drinks. While he carries his board over his shoulder and few beach chairs.

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