Chapter 27: BurglarProof? pt2

Start from the beginning

"SHARP TUURRRN!" Two-Bit cried out as he jerked the wheel around a deep bend in the road, sending all fours' bodies leaning far to the left, Dally's in particular.


"Aww, fuck man!" Dallas cussed sharply, his face having made extremely hard contact with the window above Pony's head, recoiling back to his side of the seat.

"You alright?" Ponyboy asked, concerned when he noticed the hood had his hand to the lower half of his face.

"Do I fuckin' look it?" Dallas snapped, pulling his hand away from his face, revealing a nose gushing blood.

"Oh golly Dal!" Ponyboy gasped, tearing his shirt off and handing it to the hood, "Use this ta stop the bleeding." the hood took the shirt with a begrudging look.

"If I had known that all I had to do was get a bloody nose to get your shirt off, I would've punched myself in the face five minutes ago." Dallas mumbled through the shirt as he clamped it over his nose, glaring at the blushing auburn from across the back seat.

"You can take a fist to the face but god forbid a car window." Ponyboy retorted with a shake of his head, earning him an even sharper glare from the hood.

'Just wait til we get back to the house and you'll see all the things you're gonna take.' Dallas thought, smirking behind the bloodied shirt.

"How's it goin' back there?" Two-Bit asked, making sure to stifle his laugh, giving a broad smirk and side glance to Johnny who just smiled back with a shake of his head.

"It's a bloody good time." Ponyboy laughed, thoroughly enjoying the pissy look on Dally's face. Two-Bit and Johnny soon joined Pony in his fit of laughter, making the hood even pissier. The rest of the car ride continued on with busting on Dallas until they reached the house. Ponyboy booked it out of Two-Bit's car before Dallas could get a hold of him, nearly sprinting up the porch steps into the house.

Two-Bit barely got his door open an inch before it was slammed closed by Dallas.

"I suggest ya don't stick around." Dallas said, leaning against the greaser's door. "It's gonna get pretty rowdy in there in a bit, if ya catch my drift." Dallas said with a wink and a click of his tongue, tapping on the roof of the car before shoving himself away, making his way towards the house.

"Does he ever give the kid a break?" Two-Bit said with a shake of his head as he started his car back up before taking off down the road with Johnny still riding shotgun.

The silence before the storm struck the Curtis house like a gale wind; swept up in an almost eerie type of quiet as the frazzled auburn anticipated the brooding hood to come in after him. Pony's hands grew clammy as they clumsily sifted through the pile of clothes on his bed for a shirt.

"What're you gettin' dressed for?" Ponyboy jumped at the sudden sound of the hood's voice splitting the silence. Ponyboy whipped around quickly, the hood came towards him swiftly, tackling the auburn, hooking his arms around the boy's waist as they both went crashing down on to the mattress. Soon finding himself pinned to the bed on his back, Ponyboy stared up at the hood with uncertainty. The look in the blonde's eyes were no longer teasing or humorous but carried an underlying mystery. Feeling Dally's cool hands on his upper arms, nearly shivering at the feel on his heated skin, "We were only just gettin' started in the car." His voice wracked Pony's body with a shudder as his hot breath hit his neck. The auburn's breathing hitched in his throat as the hood trailed his rough hands down his slender arms before latching them to the front of his pants.

"Ahn." Ponyboy gasped slightly when the hood undid his pants with ease. "Nghn!" Ponyboy shuddered at the feel of the hood's teeth and lips dragging across the sensitive skin of his neck. "Mngh!" Ponyboy moaned as his neck went completely lax, sending his head lolling back and forth, allowing the hood full access. Incapable of fending off the hungry hood, Dallas's hands plagued the auburn's body with heated touches. Pony's hands found themselves caressing the sides of the hood's face gently, arching his body into his heavy touches.

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