I'll take just a minute

16 2 0

"Can you take a break?
I'll take just a minute.
Please turn away from the screen.
At least for my sake?"

I'm busy Jenna.
"But this is really important.
There is so much going on right now.
I'm stressing out. And I need to talk."

We'll talk later, okay? I have a meeting.
"You said you will always be there for me."

I'm always here. I'm just busy at the moment.
You are never here.
You are always busy.
I know I'm being childish but I need you to listen.
I came out of-"

Look, sweetheart. I really have to go. Meeting starts in two minutes. I promise we'll talk tomorrow.

But we didn't. We didn't talk the next day. We didn't ever talk again. Because a dead person cannot talk. She got really drunk that night after I hung up and drove straight out of town with her car.
An accident.
She never got drunk like that. She was responsible and she wouldn't drive after taking a glass of wine let alone drive drunk.

She came out of her house that day. Once and for all. Because her father was abusive and was beating her day and night.

She couldn't take it anymore. She was going through a lot. And I wasn't there. After my promotion, I just couldn't make time.

If I only listened to her that day, maybe she wouldn't have driven herself to her death.

It haunts me. Like it has everyday of my life.

If only I was there for her when she needed me.

Memories in LettersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang