Letter to Mom and Dad

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I am probably not here anymore. By the time you read this letter, I will be on my next journey beyond life. I have seen in books and movies that this type of letters cause misery and heart-break. You guys are probably mourning now or even shedding tears. I am sorry for that. There is a lot I had to tell you, but could not. I knew all along that I had cancer. I went through Dad's desk and found my medical reports. I did not know anything about cancer other than it is a disease. I googled it. I knew what was about to come. No matter what you said to me, giving false hopes, I knew the outcome. But I had to keep going. I did my studies even though I knew it was of no use. I measured my height even though I knew I would never see myself become as tall as Dad. I had to be brave for your sake. I wanted my last few days to be worth living. I tried to keep up my dance routine but my body betrayed me. I wanted to keep up my community service, my body betrayed me. I wanted to go see Alex. Please tell Alex that I am very sorry to leave so suddenly. I was planning on seeing him one last time, but I got my call from the sky way ahead of schedule. He is probably very mad at me. Tell him I loved him. I could not wish for a better brother. I left the locket he gave me for my 9th birthday. Tell him to keep it as a reminder of his little sister.

There is a lot going in my head. All of them sad thoughts. I don't want my last memory to be sad. I know my future does not have a sun in it, but I don't want yours filled with grief. Be happy for me, for I am at a better place now. I am only going to say that I have lived life to the fullest an almost 12 years old can live. I wish I have made you guys proud of me.

Your loving daughter,

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