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Dear world,

As my time in this world is very limited, I have decided to make a confession. I have been suffering from mild to major heart attacks from time to time. The doctors declared that if one more heart attack takes place, I might not make it out alive.
As for the confession, ten years ago, a murder took place in our house. My mother was the victim. And then a lot of houses in our neighbourhood suffered the same consequence. They called him the knock-out killer. He used to drug his victim first to unconsciousness, then place him in plain sight and shot a bullet right through the skull. If anyone goes through the old newspapers in the library, he will find that there had been total seven murders. After the 7th kill, the cops were able to arrest the killer because there had been a witness. If anyone goes through the case files, I was the witness.

As far as I recall, my statement went like this : I was coming home from a late night party at my friend's house. On the way I saw someone picking at the lock of the front door of Mrs. Khan's house. I was young and curious. So I went around the house and peeked through a window which gave a perfect view of the kitchen and living room. There was no movement at first. But then I saw a guy dragging and unconscious Mrs. Khan and setting her on the couch. The next moment, I saw a flash of a gun, a shot that nobody heard and a dead Mrs. Khan. The next thing I knew I was running for life. I ran straight to my house and told my parents everything. The police were on their way immediately.
From the next day, police started looking for the murderer. It was the guy who used to knock on the door to ask if anyone needed help with their yard. He did everyone's yard work. Nobody would believe he did this. All evidences pointed to him. In fact, I saw him. Those were all needed to set him execution.

The truth however is that I did not run after the murder. Rather I stood their dumbfound. Because the killer was not George who did yard work. It was my father. I saw my father picking the lock. That's why I was curious. That's why I went to see what was going on. When I saw him shooting Mrs. Khan without any hesitation, I became numb. And the worse part was that he saw me. He told me he did it for mom. That he killed everyone responsible for my mother's death.
It was not a proper reason to kill 7 people. He could have just murdered the killer. But when he found out who he was, he already left the country. So he took revenge upon the people he could get his hands on. Mrs. Khan's crime was not noticing anything unusual at her next door neighbour when me and my dad were out in a game. He accused the other six of such petty reasons too. But I could not just get my father arrested. He then gave me the idea of George. He was supposed to be his last victim. Because he missed his routine yard work and mom was left alone with the killer to easily get in. It was a simple robbery that my father turned in to serial killing. My father put all the necessary evidence to point at George. The next thing I know that I was pointing a finger at George during the trials.

I killed an innocent man. Because of me a bright life met a dark fate. But I avenged his death. It was in my gene. The 8th murder, that no one knew about happened 2 months later. When guilt was eating me from the inside, I decided it was time. Everyone knew it was heart attack, but I knew better. My father, the 8th knock-out killer victim. Only this time, there was no bullet on his forehead.

Now that I have confessed about the crime that cannot be forgiven, I may die in peace. Hope I get a fair trial in the afterlife considering the love for my father that made me kill and innocent man and the avenging notion that made me take my own father's life.

Harold Foyer.

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