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noun ~ the quality, state or sensation of being warm; a moderately high temperature


I found myself waking up slowly. My body felt heavy and my mind was fuzzy. I couldn't seem to fully wake up, everything around me was dark.

I could feel something beneath me, something warm and fuzzy. My hair was moved across my face, a touch so feather light I barely noticed it.


Cel? Oh gosh Cel, you're okay.

She whined and her face came forwards in my mind. 'I think so. We've been out a while.'

How are you feeling?

'I can feel mate nearby, he's very agitated.' She whimpered.

And you?

I was searching her mind as much as I could, she was weak but she seemed with it. Her eyes were slightly dull but her strength was returning.

'I'm just tired.' She flattened her ears against her head.

The warm fuzzy thing I was laid on suddenly moved and I felt my body tilt to one side. I couldn't hear anything, just feel the buzzing electrics from beneath me and the warmth surrounding me.

The hand came back and stroked down on my arms and along my neck and collar bone. It was a soothing rhythm that I found myself soon falling back asleep...

The next time I woke was too muffled sounds. Cel groaned and shook out her body, her claws itching to be stretched. She had become better, perkier in the hours we slept.

Hey Cel. I breathed.

She grumbled in return, bowing her chest as she stretched like a cat. 'Can you hear that?'

I turned my attention back to the muffled room. My limbs still felt heavy but the figure that was once surrounding me had left and I no longer felt the tingling warmth.

I could hear something though. It sounded like beeping from a machine, close to my head. I could feel the rise and fall of my chest and the gentle breaths they released. Further on I could hear low mumbling that I couldn't pinpoint the source of.

I lay there listening for a while, the humming and beeping of the machine beside me kept me company. Cel huffed and came to the front of my mind, I could feel her energy beneath my skin. We tried to move but didn't get very far except for a twitch of my wrist.

The sudden warmth hit me, enveloping my hand in it. A hand, I was sure. A warm, rough and large hand. It didn't have the same tingles as before but they clutched at my hand like it was a lifeline.

The mumbling grew closer and I breathed deeply to try and scent where I was but all I could smell was the overwhelming tinge of disinfectant.

The mumbling turned into a growl and the warm hand disappeared. I hear loud footsteps approach me before my hand was grabbed by the tingling warmth. I felt goosebumps rise on my skin, my heart suddenly increasing at the surge of their touch.

'Mate.' Cel whispered.

Phoenix was here? Why was he here? The last thing I remember is Alex finding me under the tree. I shuddered at the memory of the freezing rain pelting my skin, the sharp warmth of claws sinking into my flesh, and the glaring silver of the cages.

I felt a feather-light touch on my cheek and immediately knew it was Phoenix. So many questions flooded my mind at his presence. My heart ached at the fact I couldn't see him; I wanted to know what was going on. Why was he touching me so much?

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