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Hi! I'm Terry Waterson from Victoria, Australia. I am a patient of haemophilia that means my blood is unable to clot whenever I involve in any injuries. My entire 24 years living in this world is full of "beware", "don't touch the knife" and "you can do other things but just not this one".. You must be super curious how's my life living as an "injury phobia" boy.

I told my mom that I want to participate in a badminton championship at my school. Every mom will say "Wow.. Do you need anything? New racket? Finally you are not stuck with your playstation all the time".. But my mom said "Can you participate in other games? What about video games? I heard there will be a national competition for a video game will be held next year. You should start to build your momentum". I had already known that sentence would be spat out from her mouth. Since in my primary school, I was excluded in all sports and extreme activities. You know what? All clubs that I participated were chess clubs. How did I stay fit when I didn't do any vigorous activities? That's the worst part in my life routine. My diet was strictly controllled by my mom. Yeah, she's a nutritionist. So,  I trusted her very much. "WEAK BABY" , that's my second name or maybe my first name because more people used to call me with that name instead of my real name. But, yeah. I'm okay with it. Some verbal "jokes" won't kill me, will it?

I learnt about haemophilia at my biology class. I finally understood why did my mom never let me participated in all those activities. Oh yeah, I haven't said anything about my dad.  My dad was a patient of haemophilia  too. He worked as an architect. It was a great career isn't it?  But, actually it's not. He died during his working period. At the construction site, he stumbled and fell on a bunch of some sharp things I guess.  I don't know the incident clearly because my mom refused to tell me. My father died due to excessive blood loss.  If he was not a haemophilia patient, he had high chance to survive.. But,  yeah.. Maybe my mom was fated to become a widow at her age of 34. I guess that incident made my mom became more meticulous about my health.

May 2019,
I was accepted into New York University. Yes! I was offered for accelerated medical degree. My mom told me that medical field is the best field for me since I will be working 8 hours at hospital and if anything bad happens,  no need to rush me to the hospital because I'm already at the hospital. So,  that's the main reason I chose to involve in medical field. Besides,  I also wish to know the solution of my problem. The cure of my disease.  There must be a remedy. My mom was such a genius woman. She knew that this field cost a lot of money. So what she did with my father's inheritance money?  She invested half of the amount and saved the other half.  So,  she sold all of her investment units and the amount was enough for my 3 years study in university.

July 2019,
My mom sent me to the university. She left me with thousands of warnings. "No running" , "be careful with the surgery knife", "don't involve in any fight" and loads of other stuffs that I can't write here. I need an entire novel to list down her warnings 😂
My roommates were very kind. The first day was the day where we share our sickness.  What a weird ice breaking.. Jeremy, a patient of asthma, Richard,  a patient of anemia and Brandon, the only healthy guy among us. Brandon was the only one active in sports because you know. Jeremy would face very critical moment if he does vigorous sports and Richard would just collapsed anytime. I finally found people who live exactly like me! *except for the death of father since they still have their complete families. 

September 2019,
Three of us were sitting at the corner of the court while watching at Brandon competing in a basketball match. I was very jealous because I had never played basketball in my entire life.
So that's me.. One idiot boy who suddenly became  a very curious monkey. Few days after, I registered myself in an basketball club.. I didn't tell anyone including my roommate.

December 2019,
There was a basketball championship. I was chosen to be in the team representing our club.. Guess what? During the championship day, Brandon also participated and represented his club. Jeremy and Richard were there too to support Brandon. I lied to them. I told them that I need to go to the library for my thesis. But..yeah..they saw me there. My team won the group round and qualified for semifinal on the next day. I back home.. And yes ... I received a 2 hours counseling session. Three of them even reported it to my mom. But, I was too angry.  I told my mom that she couldn't   control my entire life. The next day,  I played safely.  We won and reached the final round. And in the final round,  our opponent is Brandon's team.. I didn't  want to lose. So,  I played with my all potential.. BUT then....  Yeah.. I slipped and fell on a metal pole at the corner of the court. Who did even put that thing there?!?!  It caused a quite bad injury on my left leg.  It was bleeding. Brandon rushed towards me and I suddenly fainted.

My sight became dark and it felt like a very long sleep. Guess what?  Don't worry.  I didn't die. I didn't know what happened after the incident but three days later,  I finally opened my eyes..  The first thing I saw was my mom face.  She looked like she wanted to beat me up but luckily i'm un"beat"able. 😂😂 Get it? 😂 She came towards me and gave me a free counseling session. *right after I woke up* 🙃 When did she even fly from Victoria to New York!? That was the most unforgettable moment in my life.  The championship?  It was cancelled.. Both teams won.  And my teammates decided to give the trophy to me.  It was my first and last appearance in sport and I already won a trophy.. See that power yalls 😂

Nothing great happened in 2020. You know... Covid.. Oh..The only great thing is I got 4.00 in my CGPA 🤓 I also found a girlfriend 👀

1 more year and then I'll be graduated.. I hope Mr. Covid will let me graduate peacefully.

That's all from me in this episode. Oh yeah. You must be very curious about the title right? It's actually my hospital bed number. You know...Memory... Alright.. Thanks for reading. Keep giving your supports to DEAR DIARY : Born is not an option.

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